32: Food Fight

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You sit on the couch while Sean sat at the table in the kitchen, both of you contemplating what to eat.

"You know what I haven't had in a while?"you speak up.

He looks up at you,"Huh?"

"Mac n cheese,"you giggle.

He looks up in thought,"God, when was the last time I had that?"

You find some in the cabinet and you both spring to the stove, putting a pan on and filling it with water before turning the burner on. Waiting for the water to boil, you don't notice Sean breaking out the cookie dough for later along with the rest of the ingredients. At least, not until your hair feels dry.

You run your fingers through it to find your hand whitened with powder. Fuckin flour.

"You son of a Bitch..."you turn around, glaring at him while he jumps up and down with laughter.

While the noodles cook, you see him turn his back to prepare the dough and reach for the powdered sugar. You fill a measuring cup halfway and pour a little bit of water in it, mixing the now sticky substance. You repeatedly check on him to make sure he's not looking. Finally, you turn back and pour the sticky glaze in Sean's fluffy, green hair.

He gasps, the weird sensation reaching his scalp before shrugging his shoulders like a turtle as goosebumps cover his arms. You give a shameless giggle as he turns back to you.

"WHAT IS THIS?!"he shouts, slicking his fingers in the glaze and looking at it coating his hand in horror,"(Y/N), I SWEAR TO GOD..."

Suddenly his hand is covering your face, wiping the glaze and running your makeup. You squeal and swipe his hand away, both of you laughing all the while.

You still smirk,"Have fun washing that out, sweet pea."

Sean reaches over next to the boiling pot of water and noodles, grabbing the cheese powder packet and smirking deviously before you throw your hands up,"Don't you dare..."

"What's wrong, sweet pea?"he says before putting it back down and laughing uncontrollably.

You maintain a temporary truce to finish draining and mixing the Mac n cheese before sitting down to eat it. Of course, before you can even make it to the table, you feel a warm and thick substance hit your arm.

You spin on your heel to see Sean with his spoon standing straight up, a childish smile on his face. Looking back at your arm as the noodles and cheese drip down, you take your bowl before scooping a bit up in your spoon and walking towards him,"You sure about that, hun?"

"Come on, (Y/N),"he tries to convince you,"Let's get along!"

You flick the spoonful right into his chest, the cheese soaking his shirt and he yelps in surprise. You finally sit down to eat and enjoy the meal you had gone without for so long. Together, you eat the whole package as the cookies cook in the oven. You get up as Sean finishes and place your bowl in the sink before stopping and looking at the carton of eggs.

"Babe?"you ask.

He looks up and stops,"Did you forget an egg?"

He gets up and walks over,"No, I don't think so, I looked at the-"

"I think you forgot an egg,"you take one out of the carton and slap it right into Sean's forehead.

"GOD DAMNIT (Y/N)!" He screams as you run away and he chases. You run all the way up the stairs to the bathroom and drag him in with you.

"You help me get the flour out, I'll help you get the glaze out, deal?"you hold your hand out.

He shakes it,"But this fight isn't over."

"Oh give it up,"You giggle,"I so won!"


But Sean, baby... (JSE imagines)Where stories live. Discover now