27: Say Goodbye

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You lay on the couch, cuddled up with Sean, watching the rain trickle down from the sky. Light thunder distantly rumbles, the light pitter-patter of the rain surrounding you. You close your eyes, letting the constant tapping lull you to sleep. It's calming, constant and soothing. In addition, the steady rising and falling of Sean's chest and steady breathing.

"(Y/N),"Sean groans, shifting a little.

You sit up, facing him,"Yeah babe?"

"I-"he winces slightly, his hand going to his forehead,"I love you. I just want you to know that-"

Then, he growls in pain, both hands now gripping his head.

"Babe? What's wrong?"you ask, becoming concerned.

He continues to whimper painfully.

"Babe! Talk to me! Baby, what is it?"you panic.

Sean gets up, only to fall to his knees, holding his head desperately. His breathing is heavy and you suddenly hear a distant whisper,"This one is weak."

Now it's beginning to hurt you. You cry out and wince harshly, a pain throbbing in the back of you head. You hastily run your fingers through your hair. You crouch with Sean on the floor, holding his shoulders.

"No, (Y/N), run. Please. Just run,"he whimpers.

You refuse. You only grip him tighter and start to cry as the pain becomes unbearable. So unbearable that your mobility is hurt.

"Let me in Sean."

Now, the voice is terrifying. Sean screams out in agony before freezing for a few seconds. You sit there, utterly petrified. Then, he moves.

"Finally,"he turns to you,"to have a body again... This body was weak, the perfect one to take. So easy, and with a bonus, the girl..."

You scramble backwards, terrified. He didn't have to tell you, this definitely wasn't Sean. You didn't know who it was. 

"My spirit was longing for so long,"he sighs,"And now to have the girl as well... just prefect."

"Leave her the fuck alone,"he suddenly growls, his eye color faltering. You can tell this is Sean's attempt to fight back.

The demon chuckles,"Oh, but Sean, she's gorgeous, how could I ever keep my hands to myself?"

"P-please, d-don't hurt me-"your voice cracks.

"Oh, sweetheart,"his lips curve into a smile,"But I must."

With that, he pulls a knife on you,"Might as well know the name of your killer. The name's Anti-"

His jagged teeth hurt just looking at them. You gasp as you're pressed to the wall, knife at your throat. Anti's eyes stop flickering, showing  that he's completely in control. You can't breathe, the cool blade piercing your neck. You feel the warm blood begin to leak from your neck, and you close your eyes, too afraid to look. 

"Sean please, try to fight it,"is the last thing you can get out.

Then, the eyes flicker again. His hand shakes, Anti groans, trying to maintain control. Pry him off you and he falls to the floor, screaming. As if it couldn't get any worse, thunder crackles and the lights go out. You try to run out of the living room, but you're tripped by his hand. You sprawl to the floor, scrambling to get up before you're shoved back down.

You flip over, attempting to fight Anti, but to no avail. He pins you down, once more holding the slightly bloodied knife to your throat. Lightning flashes, the rain pouring down on the house. 

"Oh, baby, don't fight it. There's nothing you can do."

You continue to fight and he becomes angry,"You'll never see him again. He's stuck in here now! And now you're going too! No matter how much you fight this, it won't change. Sean is gone forever."

He leans in close, the sounds of your own screams aren't enough to block it out.

"Say Goodbye."

But Sean, baby... (JSE imagines)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora