13: Black Magic

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(A little bit of Little Mix for all you people. No really, its just for the lyrics in the song)

Your heart ached. It hurt more and more. You needed him to be yours. But he just wasn't catching on to your hints. He didn't notice, and it hurt. You were best friends, and it wasn't going anywhere. You wish there were some secret potion to make him fall in love with you...

A girl with dark purple hair, with pink highlights taps you on the shoulder, catching your attention,"I know, hun. You gotta have him, don't you?"

"O-oh,"you stutter, breaking your gaze from him across the room,"I didn't see you there."

Sean looks at you curiously,"What?"

"Oh, nothing,"you look away, blushing.

The girl giggles,"I'm in your head, silly. I've been watching you for awhile, and I've noticed the way you look at him, but he's oblivious, right?"

You silently nod.

She whispers in your ear,"What if I told you I had a solution?"

Your eyes widen and you nod eagerly.

"Look, I'm no date doctor, I'm a witch, so I just might be able to whip up somethin for ya."

You tense up at the word witch.

She rolls her eyes,"Relax, I'm no Wicked Witch of the West, chill. I make potions, believe it or not. And luckily for you, I think I have a love potion somewhere..."

This is what perks you up, giving a pleading look, since you can't say anything otherwise Sean will think you're crazy. Suddenly, you're whipped away and wind up in a cave, elaborately decorated with tables of glass viles and small glasses with corks to seal them. The potions came in the full spectrum of colors. You didn't care to read any labels, you were too desperate about this love potion the witch mentioned.

How you wished Sean would love you, he just didn't seem to get it. You let yourself fall into your ocean of fantasies: Mornings when you would wake up in his arms, safe and sound. Stormy days when you two would stay inside and cuddle under a blanket and watch movies all day. Sunsets spent on the beach, gazing out into the horizon until you're brought into a kiss that makes you melt. Kisses, sweet whispers, make out sessions, loving gazes. Oh those eyes, those pure, crystal blue eyes. You could have it all.

You're snapped from your sappy dreams from the witch clapping in your face,"Earth to (Y/N)?!"

"Oh, sorry,"you bite your lip, embarrassed.

"Man,"she sighs,"You really love him, don't you?"

You nod, swooning.

"Well, I'll tell you what, I'll make this happen. What hurts me most is rejection. It's got to be the most painful experience,"she smiles at you,"He's going to love you forever, unconditionally."

You jump on her, into a hug,"OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH!"

"It's my job, honey,"she winks, handing you the pretty bottle of soft pink liquid,"Put this in his drink or something. One drop should be enough."

You slide it in your pocket as you're poofed back into reality. Now, you're in the living room. You get off the couch, noticing Sean looking in the fridge. You sneak over, making a plan. You subtlely pour one drop of the liquid in his glass as you pass the counter when he's not looking, then put it back in your pocket. Then, to give yourself reasoning to be there, you jumpscare him.

"BOO!"you scream, causing Sean to jump before laughing.

He puts a hand to his chest, letting the surprised giggles free,"Oh my god, (Y/N), you scared the shit out of me."

He reaches in the fridge before pulling out the pitcher of pink lemonade you made this morning. Perfect. He pours it in the glass and you walk away, glancing back before your heart leaps, seeing him take a sip. It's only a matter of time now.

"So, what do ya wanna do?"he asks as he sits down next to you.

You take a moment to think before answering,"Overwatch?"

"Damn you,"he chuckles,"My weakness."

You giggle, jumping on the floor and grabbing a controller. For the next hour, you two sit on the floor in front of the TV, screaming and laughing at each other, before the game is suddenly paused. You look at Sean, confused until you notice he's staring at you... deeply.

It's kicking in.

Sean speaks, making your heart flutter,"(Y/N), I never noticed, I should've. You're so beautiful. I see now..."

"Sean..."You sigh, looking down and away, testing him.

"No,"his hand goes to your cheek, making you look at him,"Don't look away, beautiful."

He gets you to stand with him, pulling you against him. You can't believe it. It actually worked.


"Yes, Sean?"

"I think I might have fallen,"he leans in,"fallen in love with you."

Finally, your wish comes true. His lips land on yours and you instantly melt. You wrap your arms around his neck, pushing the kiss further. When you break away, you stare into his eyes, which stare back at you.

"You know, (Y/N), you didn't have to use that silly potion on me."

(BISH YOU THOUGHT! Heehee... ;))

But Sean, baby... (JSE imagines)Where stories live. Discover now