11: The Choice

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(The other outcome of this chapter can be seen in my other book Markimoo. Enjoy ;))

You had your two best friends over for a water balloon fight with a bunch of your other friends. The whole group consisted of Mark, Sean, Matthias, Tiffany (ihascupquake), and Amanda. You're in the middle of filling the second bucket when you hear a happy, chirpy voice.

"Hey girl! Need help?"

You hug Tiffany and nod,"Yeah, these are taking forever."

With two, you finish the second and third buckets in no time. You high five for teamwork as Matt and Amanda walk in. You, Tiffany and Matt carry the three buckets to the backyard, vast with plenty of room. Finally, the two man-children arrive, full of giggles and loud voices.

You give them both playful hugs, leading them to the scene. That being a hot summer day, you bring out the platter full of watermelon out from the fridge, the whole party smothering it, but not as excited than they are for the chocolate covered strawberries.

Mark finishes a strawberry, looking to you,"(Y/N), did you make these yourself? They're amazing!"

"I did, thanks,"you blush with a smile.

"You know, I'd love to make something for you sometime. Matt and Ryan say I'm a great cook."

"How do you know they're not lying?"Sean butts in, nudging him.

Mark glares, pushing him away, followed by a chuckle. You shake it off, they're both a pair of goofballs. Once you've all eaten the savory fruit, you sprint off the deck, everyone taking their places in the yard to get ready for the water balloon fight. Mark and Sean both side with you, Matt, Amanda and Tiffany on the other side.

Matthias shouts out the countdown,"3! 2! 1!"

You all sprint at the buckets, frantically grabbing balloons before running away with them cradled in your arms. Seconds later, the water comes flying. You dodge several balloons before Amanda smacks one right in your side, soaking the left side of your body.

Sean takes this opportunity to act as your body shield, taking all the hits for you. The instant Mark notices, he pushes him out of the way, taking his place. As the balloons fly back and forth, you laugh and scream at each other, running around and whipping balloons at each other. Though the boys' noble attempt to shield you, you're soaked anyways. You all are.

By the end, Tiffany pants, catching her breath,"Will you two idiots just admit and confess your love for (Y/N)?"

They both shyly and slowly turn towards you and Mark steps forwards before Sean does,"(Y/N), come on. Ya gotta admit, we'd make a great cooking team. Why not do it with a few kisses here and there?"

You giggle, blushing your ass off. Then, someone takes your hand from behind. You didn't even see Sean sneak behind you, but you turn to him and instantly get lost in his sparkling blue eyes.

He takes a deep, shaky breath before pouring his heart out to you,"(Y/N), I don't even deserve a girl as amazing as you. You're beautiful, funny, smart, oh, so sweet, and there's so many others that there's not enough time for me to list it all. I don't blame you if you go with Mark, he's a great guy, but I just wanted to let you know that I've felt this way for a while. And I know I'm not really supposed to say this so soon, but fuck it, (Y/N), I love you."

You're wonderstruck by his words, and you feel like someone just shoved you off the edge of a building. You feel like you're falling. Falling in love. Falling... for Sean. You can't rip your eyes from his, it's impossible. You already know you've made your decision as your arms involuntarily wrap around his neck. You don't fight the feeling. This feeling, somehow you knew. It just felt so right.

You feel his arms slide around your waist as your soaking wet bodies are brought together. Finally, you feel the tension snap in a moment of bliss: your lips locked in a magical kiss. The kiss that lead to the rest of your life.

You could never resist Sean, not when he had eyes like those...

(Hope you enjoyed. Go check out the other if you like. ~Allie)

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