7: Prom

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You wake up to the sun in the windows.  Another day of hell. Another day of gossip and sluts and bitches. High school.

That was pretty much your overall attitude towards it, with the exception of a few things. Your circle of friends, and of course, him. Him being the guy you always gush over to yourself, never anyone else. Of course, Mark, your best friend, would always laugh.

(Yes, I'm implying Markiplier Mark)

You go to your locker, then to English, la dee fricking da. Lunch was your favorite part of the day, where your whole group was in the same place. Katie, Sarah, Gabi, Felix (yes), Hannah, and of course, Mark.

Same as always, you take a quick glance to look at him and sit down.

"Ahem,"Sarah looks at you curiously,"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing,"you lie, blushing.

Katie laughs,"You know, (Y/N), blushing isn't the best way to hide a lie."

Finally, Mark butts in,"Who were you looking at? A guy I suppose?"

You roll your eyes,"Okay, fine. He's just some guy I like."

"Which one, the kid with the green hair?"

You bite your lip,"Yeah..."

"What's his name?"

You sigh,"Sean."

The girls all giggle and Felix adds,"You know, Prom season is kicking off, and you need a date, missy. Why don't you go talk to him?"

You aren't  one to have nerves, but that makes your stomach turn. He is in your history class, right after lunch, so you could talk to him, but you're nervous as hell to.

But of course, Mark, knowing your situation, comes to your rescue,"I'll talk to him. A guy-to-guy talk."

"Oh,"Felix mocks,"Because you're greeeaat at those..."

The girls laugh and Mark rolls his eyes. Once lunch is over, you watch where Mark goes in the halls the rest of the day, finally you catch him walking over to Sean. You hide around the corner.

"Hey, Sean!"you hear him call.

Sean's voice seems chipper,"Hey, man. How's it going?"

Your heart sinks when he asks,"You got a date for prom yet?"

"Oh, not yet. All the girls seem the same. I want to bring a girl who's different. You know, out there. How about you?"

Your heart leaps at his response. But you're surprised at Mark's.

"Yeah, I'm bringing Sarah, just as friends."

Mark and Sarah? Wow. Good for Mark.

"Hey, look,"he continues,"My best friend has been looking for a date too, but she's not the best at talking."

"Oh, you mean (Y/N)?"Sean asks, making your stomach jump,"Yeah, she's really pretty. I've been thinking about asking her actually."

"She's probably the most chipper, happiest girl you'll ever meet. She really is the best at keeping secrets. Oh yeah, and you won't believe how she gushes about you."

A blush dusts your cheeks and your heart is warmed by Mark's words.

"I'll ask her tomorrow,"Sean says.

Maybe you would have him, after all.

(Don't worry, there'll be another part ;))

But Sean, baby... (JSE imagines)Where stories live. Discover now