Black Magic (Remake)

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(Hey guys, I just got the cutest idea. I'm gonna make this one so much cuter! Also sorry it's been a while. School has been demanding.)

After you talked to the fairy, you decided to give her strange potion a try. But you had to be strategic about how you would do it. Sean was in his recording room for a while so you decide to offer to get him a drink.

"Hey babe, you want something to drink? You've been in here a while,"You ask meekly.

He nods without looking,"Sure. Whatever is fine."

You hurry downstairs and pour him a glass of orange juice. You're sure the taste will over power the potion, so he won't notice. You take the small, round vile and open the cork, letting one single drop fall into the juice. You quickly stir for extra measure before hastily going upstairs and handing it to him.

"Thanks babe,"he eyes you, carefully taking it from your hands.

Once you close the door to a crack, you stand there, watching until he takes a sip. You silently scurry downstairs, laying on the couch and pulling a blanket over yourself. It's only a matter of time now.

You soon fall asleep, having no idea what happens next.

While you're asleep, Sean realizes. After he took the sip, his mind cleared. These were his thoughts:

Wait. I've been in here for hours, what about (Y/N)?  Poor baby, I've ignored her all this time. I have to make up for this. I'm such an idiot. If she's on the couch, I'll cuddle her like I should.

He sees you asleep.

I have a better idea. I'm gonna spoil my girl the way she deserves. I'm gonna spoil her until she rejects it.

Sean goes to the store and gets his things, plotting out a second surprise upstairs. A fifteen minutes after he gets home, you wake up. You sit up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes when something on the table catches your attention. You get up and cover your mouth with your hands in shock.

There on the table, sits a red heart box, tied in a crimson ribbon, definitely a box of chocolates, a vase full of the most beautiful red roses, and the most adorable plushy teddy bear, a green bow tie around its neck. You gasp at the sight, your cheeks flushing fully red at the thought that Sean did this for you.

There's a note in the roses:

Upstairs, my love.

Your legs feel like jelly, shaking as you slowly climb up the steps to your room, the trail of rose petals guiding your way. The trail leads under the bathroom door from your room. You take a shaky breath before opening the door. An immediate swoon leaves your lips as you take in the sight of Sean in the bathtub, surrounded by candles, smiling adorably at you.

"Oh my god... Sean..."you sigh, trailing off while looking at the sight.

A pink blush arises on his cheeks,"All for you, baby. I wanted to make up for the idiot I've been. I'm sorry."

"Sean... I..."you stutter.

"Go get your bathing suit."

You scramble to the bedroom, stripping fast and slipping your bikini on even faster. You walk back into the bathroom before you notice Sean's face.


"My god you're beautiful,"he sighs.

You blush, taking his hand and settling into the bubbly water with him. You lay your back on his chest, his arms slipping around your waist tightly. You look up at him, his loving stare joining yours. You let his blue eyes charm you once more, and your hand holds his cheek, pulling your faces together.

This begins a series of passionate kisses, moving slow through each other's lips. Sean feels up and down your sides, sending shivers through your body.

"I suddenly realized,"his gaze remains unbroken,"How much I need you with me."

The rest of the night, you two danced, laughed and stuffed each other's faces with chocolate. The potion had done its job, but in a natural way.

Except the fact that he would spoil you to death.

But Sean, baby... (JSE imagines)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant