Episode 10: Take A Chill Pill

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"But you're afraid of needles," Escargoon said to Yabui.

"I-I'm sure Waddle Dee would know what they're doing," Yabui said. "I told Buttercup where to stab. One of the Waddle Dee learned it before."

"All right, you pip squeaks," Escargoon said as he turned to Waddle Dees. "Which one of you pip squeak has given a shot before?" One Waddle Dee raised its hands. "All right! You know what to do!" 

Waddle Dee grabbed the shot and approached to Dedede. "NO!" Dedede shrieked. "YOU AIN'T GONNA PUT THAT NEEDLE ON MY BODY!"

"I wonder where he got that energy," Escargoon said.

"NO NO NO! STAY AWAY!" Dedede shrieked with even more fear in his voice.

"Sire, if you don't take this shot, you won't heal faster," Escargoon said.

"NO! NOT THIS TIME!" Dedede exclaimed as he ran out the hospital.

"SIRE!" Escargoon yelled as he chased after him. Waddle Dees also chased after Escargoon.

Watching this, Tuff, Honey, Iroo, and Spikehead were laughing hard on the ground. 

Back at the castle, Dedede's fever and body ache was even worse. He couldn't even move. "Oh...." he groaned weakly. He wanted to say something, but he didn't have energy to let out his voice.

"Here sire," Escargoon said. "I got you some soup." He carried a tray with him. "Can you sit up?" Dedede stood up slowly and weakly. Escargoon scooped up a spoonful, and blew it to cool it down. "Open up, sire." Dedede opened his mouth so that Escargoon can feed him. "You big baby." Escargoon continued to blow the soup to cool it down. 

"Th... tha... thanks..." Dedede said weakly.

"If you are really thankful, you can raise my paycheck," Escargoon said with a little sass.

"I'll... think... about it," Dedede was in no mood to joke around.

"Really?" Escargoon asked, surprised. Dedede said nothing. But just opened his mouth so that Escargoon can feed him even more.

"Now try to get some rest, sire," Escargoon said. "Sleeping is the best medicine for high fever like that."

"All right..." Dedede said and closed his eyes. 

Escargoon quietly walked out of the door. "Wow, that was pretty easy-going," Escargoon said to himself. "I really wish that he is sick everyday so that my life is going to be so much easier. Yo! Waddle Dees!" Waddle Dees went to him. "Take care of Dedede and only call me when he calls me. I'm taking a long break." Waddle Dees nodded.

"Hey... Waddle Dees..." Dedede called weakly. Waddle Dees surrounded his bed. "Take me... to the... throne room..." Waddle Dees nodded and carried him to his throne room. Dedede couldn't take this sickness anymore.

"Yes your ma- oh what happened sire?" Susie asked as she saw Dedede in terrible condition.

"Fe-ver..." Dedede said.

"So you want to order something that would make you feel better in less than a minute?" Susie asked. 

"How-" Dedede said.

"Your majesty, my IQ is 265. I can build robots, I can make monsters, how can I not notice your intention. I mean you're sick, so this is obvious," Susie said. 

"Do... you-"

"I think I have some pills that can heal you very fast."

"Then... how-"

"Of course I'll send it to you, your majesty."


"You're very welcome, your majesty."

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