Issue # 44 Finding Solace Pt. 2 (END)

Start from the beginning


      Max rested his hand on Amy's shoulder as he looked to Aubrey. "I guess I finally want to become a Cardinal, Aubrey. And... so does Amy." 
      Amaret Cook smiled, wearing a thick white button-up. Beneath that reflected a black short-sleeve, white company logos throughout it. A pair of sunglasses sat hung-up over her head, pushing her straight brown hair back. She stood close to her significant other, hugging to his right arm. 
      Her pants possessed a kind of platinum embroidery from the sides, mostly an ocean's tone of blue sitting upon the jeans. Her tiny nose flared a tad, eyebrows going up as her rosy colored lips returned to a straightened position. Amy's shoulders slouched as she recognized Aubrey. 
       "Well, it's about time." Aubrey chuckled, her hand going over her mouth. 
       "Yeah. I talked with my parents, and they kinda enjoy the fact I'm doing something religious." Amy giggled. 
       "Right." Aubrey's eyebrows rose. "It is sorta religious, isn't it? Ha. Well, when you become a cardinal, you'll lose your last names." 
       Max bit his bottom lip. "Right, I-"
        "I'll lose my surname? Max, you forgot to tell me that part!" Amy jumped, her tiny legs propelling her slightly into the air. 
       "Crap, I did! You're right, sorry!" 
       "I don't how to feel about that. I like my surname." Amy let go of Max's arm suddenly, pushing her two forefingers together. "My dad is a really awesome dude, you know." 
       Aubrey nodded, a solemn smile hitting her face. "Yeah." Scratching the back of her neck, her eyelids fell some. I wish I knew my dad. He... died on a mission when I was only eight. 
       Max shook his head. "I actually was getting to that, though. You see, I have some things I wanted to clear up first. Some closure I wanted to get." 
       Aubrey blinked. "Closure? Well, sorry if this sounds too cruel, but enjoy it while it lasts. Closure isn't something the CP rests its laurels on. Missions get pretty intense." 
      In that moment, Max looked around him. An empty building sat in front of him, once a proud and giant school full of aspiring students who had had their hearts set on a specific career. The windows, so many of them, bounced back mirror-images of the sky and faraway trees. The apricot frame of the establishment appeared friendly, adorned by blue and red frames securing the doors and windows.
      Titanium-Corps will always have a special place in my heart. Maximus sighed, whistling a kind of mellow tune. Visions of the old arena, of Dr. Carwell, of Natalie, of Father Agnus, and of the wide cafeteria, its juicy turkey sandwiches, floated through his head. 
       "Say, where'd you learn how to whistle?" Aubrey tried whistling in response, her lips puffing out. Only weak spitting noises came through. 
       "My grandpa! Thomas Kaline. And you see, that's where Amy and I are headed. I wanted to pay one last stop to my family's house and have some questions of mine finally be answered. How grandpa knew Hosanna and all. From there, I wanted to see Natalie and Tony. My old... 'friends'." Max felt a sour knot form in his throat. 

       "What? Whoa. No way, Max! Natalie... hates you now." Aubrey warned, her hands going out in front of her from the red robe. 
       "I tried to tell him that, but he said he got so inspired by Hosanna's and Sekranna's closing words that he just wants to hit up Natalie or Tony at some point." Amy shook her head, taking her sunglasses from down off her hair. "I don't know much about this Natalie girl, but from what I've heard, she seems like she has some emotional problems she needs to work through." 
       "But it's not like it's her fault." Max looked up to the sky, his redwood hair fluttering. "Her dad was killed by a man who I had close ties to. And then our good friend, Kyle, was taken from us by that same murderer. Zarkadda." 
      Aubrey's face shrunk to a frown. "But you completely ruined Zarkadda after your fight with him. I mean, right?" 
      Max nodded. "I did. But the avenging didn't keep Natalie by my side as a friend. Though, you know," The young Kaline turned to Amy, his pale face brightly smiling. "if things went any differently, I don't think I would've been lucky enough to have met you." 
      Amy blushed. "You fuckin' cutie-pie!" The young woman jumped into the arms of her boyfriend. 
     Max caught her with purpose and cling. 
     Aubrey folded her hands together. I'm surprised Max wants to be a cardinal after all this. It really seems like, to me, that this is the life he wants. A life of peace with Amy, not a life of fighting anymore. Because a life like that would only bring even more loss. And I guess I'm part of the CP still because I don't have much to my own name, so nothing feels like a major loss. I've always been more of an observer on Cardinal Shinnaffray's leash. I haven't grown to feel any sense of profound loss of my own. Maybe it's a good thing, but I want to feel loved. And I want to lose myself in someone's love. Perhaps that's too ideal. Oh well. It's not the life for me, I guess. Sighing, Cardinal Aubrey flicked away a stray clump of water which formed at the corner of her left eye. "Well, Max. Make your trips to see your grandpa and your old friends fairly quick. Once you get back, we've got some serious regrouping to do. The tribunal faeries are still out there, Choronzon and Agnus, and as are some suspicious de'Navra. You heard what Hosanna said back on the cruise. The tribunals have been, for some time now, sending the lesser fey to violently coerce humanity back into worship." 
        Max nodded, rubbing the of his burgundy hair. "Yeah, for sure. Trust me, I'm eager to get back into this. I'm a hunter first and a cardinal second, after all." 
        "Heh, I wonder where this'll all lead. By the way, I'm hungry!" Amy put a hand to her stomach. 
       "You know what? I am too. We should get goin'. Later, Aubrey!" Max spun on his heel, turning away from the former Titanium-Corps Academy, its walls now covered in hanging moss. 
       Aubrey waved back, her short ebony and nectarine colored hair flinging in the direction of the winding wind. Yeah. See you soon, Max. Feeling a profound connection form in her heart, the young Cardinal took in a deep breath. I never thought that you two would be able to add such depth to my mundane life. I guess I'm just bein' cheesy right now, but I'm so glad I was able to meet you, Maximus D. Kaline. 


    "And just like that, the winds of adventure had begun to stir once more." 

    Thank you so much for reading!    

    Stay tuned for the upcoming sequel, Cardinal Order


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