chapter two- change is a funny thing

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Chapter two- change is a funny thing.

Thursday morning rolls around, and the day begins like every other day. The sun begins to peak through my bedroom window. No strange bird dreams last night, which is always a plus. I pull my long pink hair into a pony tail and get on with my morning. I clean myself up, then I head downstairs for breakfast.

I pop some bread into the toaster and wait idly while it heats my breakfast. I stare out the window leading to the back yard. Our porch is old, and sort of scary to walk on. I always have the fear it'll cave in under me. The sun peaks over the evergreens, which are covered in snow. It is a pretty sight.

Aunt Lily worked a night shift last night. So, now she's fast asleep upstairs. I'm careful not to wake her as I make my way through the kitchen. I pour coffee into my travel mug, and wrap my toast up in paper towels. I open the front door slowly and shut it carefully. I hop in my car and pull out of the driveway.

I smile as an old Metallica song blasts on the radio. I hum along, and make my way back to Jefferson High School. Man, I cannot wait until I graduate in June. Only half a year to go, then I'm free. I can do this.

I meet up with Lana and we sit in our usual seats in History class.

"So," she begins. "What do you think you got on the test yesterday?"

"I think I did well," I say, idly doodling on my notebook. "What about you?"

"Ugh," she sighs. "I don't even want to talk about it, man."

"How's your mom?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Same old, same old," she says, rolling her eyes. "She's hanging in there. It's not easy to raise three kids on your own."

Lana's dad bailed before she was born. She never knew the guy, and her mother never talks about him. Lana has an older, and a younger brother, as well. Her older brother and her share a dad; they don't with the younger one. Lana's mom is a personal trainer in the city of Redburgh, which is the neighboring city about thirty minutes away.

"What about your aunt?" Lana asks me.

"She's doing fine," I shrug. "Working long hours."

"We got wonder women for moms," she says, then adds. "Or, I mean aunt."

Lacey struts in. She's wearing leather heeled boot, and they make a loud clacking noise against the floor whenever she walks. They're cute, I guess. But personally, I've never understood how girls can dress up so much for high school. Then again, I assume if you're popular, it's motivation to actually try.

"She looks like a woman of the night," Lana whispers to me, then clarifies. "I mean a prostitute."

"I know what that means, Lana." I laugh quietly, rolling my eyes. "You got to admit those boots are sort of cute though."

"Can you imagine me strutting my stuff in something like that?" she ponders. "You know, seducing men with my siren powers."

"Lana, that sounds like your daily schedule already." I tease.

"Damn, you're right." She admits.

We laugh, and Lacey turns around and gives us a look. I really don't understand what she gets by giving us those nasty looks.

I refuse to let her phase me.

English Composition time. I try to put on my brave face, and I vow to ignore Jax. If Mrs. Wilton tries to make me work with him, I'll refuse. Today is the day I grow a pair, and stop letting people treat me like garbage. I got this.

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