chapter one- wings

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Chapter one-wings

I'm alone in a dimly lit room. The floor is a cool white marble, which reflects the low lighting, perfectly. I walk further into the room, my shoes clicking against the pristine floor, like horse hooves on pavement. I call out, but no one replies. Seeing something on the floor a few feet away, I bend down and examine it. It's a feather. A huge, black feather. I don't know of any birds whose feathers are this big. Then again, I'm not a bird expert.

A flurry of feathers starts to surround me. They tickle my nose, causing me to sneeze. The soft quills brush against my face, it's a hurricane of red, brown, grey, and white. I feel serene in my tempest of feathers.

I hear laughter in the distance. I can't tell who or what is laughing. The voices calm me, they soothe me. They are familiar, and foreign, all at the same time. Like a memory you can't quite place, but you know it resides somewhere in the back of your mind.

The feathers fall towards the ground and begin to reveal giant wings. Wings like a bird surround me, trapping me. I am in an avian prison. I try to reach out to grab a wing and-

The ringing of my alarm wakes me from my deep sleep. My eyes immediately spring open, and I sit upright in my bed. I go to turn it off. Oh, how I wish I could hit snooze. The first day back from winter break is always hard.

I stare at the ceiling of my bedroom. Water stains line the old ceiling, and there are a few small cracks in there, as well. Sitting up, I glance around. My room looks the same as it did when I fell asleep last night. The cream-colored walls are still there, still covered with posters. I subconsciously make a mental note that there isn't a single feather lying about.

I crawl out of my cozy bed, and head to the bathroom. I lazily go through my morning routine and get dressed. I grab my warm winter coat, and head down the stairs. The winters in New York can be brutal, and this year is no exception. Part of me was hoping we'd get a snow day.

I head down the stairs to of my old creaking house. Everything is wooden, and rustic. A lot of it is falling apart,but I love it anyways. I head into our quaint little kitchen. The white, chipped cupboards give off a warm, well-loved vibe. The wood countertops shine against the fluorescent lights which illuminate the kitchen. The tile floor is white, with little flowers detailing it.

I love everything about it.

"Good morning, sleepy head," my Aunt Lily says, smiling from behind a mug of coffee. "How did you sleep?"

"Fine," I yawn. "I had this really weird dream."

"What was it about?" she asks, inquisitively.

"Something about..." I trail off, straining to put it into words. "Something about like wings."

She gives me a puzzled look, and hands me a cup of coffee. "Like bird wings?"

I shake my head, recalling the picture of multi-colored feathers. "Not exactly."

"Well, anyways," she diverts. "You better get going, the roads are bad this morning."

"Aren't they always," I comment, and roll my eyes. "I'll see you after school."

I grab my bag and coffee, then I head out the door. It takes me a minute to get my car started, a 2006 Saturn I bought myself off Craigslist. It sputters and refuses to accept that we must go back to school at first. Eventually, it begins to run. I back out of the driveway and start my commute to school. High school, the bane of every angsty teenage girl's existence. Maybe I would like school if I didn't go to my school.

I quickly turn on my speakers, and music flows through my car. When you must drive at the pace of a snail, it helps to have something to listen to. It distracts you from the fact you have to go to school. Slowly I make my way to my high school as the sun begins to make an appearance. The pale blue of the morning sky is filled with clouds, which reflect the faded yellow sun.. I pull into my school's student parking lot, I glare at the building in front of me, wondering if I should even go in.

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