14 : Get Back

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Demi never spoke to me again after the fight we had.. At the beginning I tried to call her and text her but eventually gave up since she wasn't paying attention to me at all

Miley has been hinting now for a while that she's going to drop a single for a while and that's what she did.. her new single was called 7 Things and I heard it the first time with my brothers in Joe's room

I got so mad.. I hated the fact that she would put me on blast like that.. then again.. we're musicians.. we do that for a living

We write songs about how we feel and some of them get enough attention to become huge hits, and that's what I soon found out it was going to happen with 7 Things..

That night I once again wrote down a song to calm my nerves.. these girls got me stuck in a circle I didn't want to be in..

I played One Man Show to my brothers and they loved it.. also putting their thoughts and opinions on the table, obviously

Soon we decided it was time to make another album and Joe was actually the one taking the initiative

We started recording at our house everyday.. also writing some songs together

I was a little scared to put the songs I wrote about Demi on the album so at first I didn't show them anything

Demi and Selena had this channel on a website called Youtube and I would also watch their videos.. they were really funny and entertaining sometimes but mostly they answered questions from their fans

I missed Demi.. a lot.. not in a romantic way but in a friendly way.. I missed having her around and writing songs with her.. just cuddling and making jokes about other celebs.. I missed hanging out with her

I even got jealous of my own girlfriend

Demi went on tour at the beginning of June and she was rocking it! She was fierce and her voice was powerful like always.. since she didn't have her album released yet, people really didn't know her songs but from what I could see, as time went on, they started learning some of the ones she was going to put on the album

 since she didn't have her album released yet, people really didn't know her songs but from what I could see, as time went on, they started learning some of the ones she was going to put on the album

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I was excited to see her go her own path.. I knew she sometimes hated to be affiliated with the Jonas Brothers, not that she didn't like us, but she wanted to do her own thing and be her own self, which I totally get

But she also liked the fact that we were so close that she practically considered herself the "Jonas Sister" as Joe would mockingly call her

Pretty bad name..

Around the middle of June, Demi and Cody announced their breakup and I was kind of sad that she didn't reach out to tell me the news..

Reading that article did nothing to me.. I finally felt like I have moved on from her.. maybe not being around her is not that bad! It sure helped me forget her..

Wouldn't Change a Thing (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora