1 : Curly Haired Boy

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I walked out of my car feeling a little nervous now that we arrived.. This was it.. after all the castings and all the "No's".. someone finally gave me a chance.. and I would not take it for granted

I went to the trunk and took out my bags.. it would be just like summer camp.. but I'm getting paid, which was awesome!

My mom came beside me and grabbed my arm gently - Too nervous? - she asked giving me a soft sweet smile

I shrugged - yeah.. a little.. you know.. - I answered taking my things out - I'm going to miss you guys - I chuckled

My mom smiled and pulled me to an embrace - We're gonna miss you too.. but I know it's going to be fun! You're gonna make so many new friends! - she told me excitedly

I sighed - I guess.. I just.. I'm scared..

I looked around and saw someone greeting my dad.. the man then looked at me and smiled - Hello! You must be Demetria Lovato! So nice meeting our Mitchie - he greeted in a deep British accent while approaching me

- Nice meeting you too, but please call me Demi - I said nervously

- Oh, sorry.. Do you want me to show you around? My name is Daniel

- Yes.. please.. - I smiled brightly - We're already on set?

He nodded - Yep.. this is where we're gonna sleep.. the crew members and producers have the trailers but we get the cabins.. I checked a few.. seems like they are in good shape - he informed now more towards my parents

- Well.. can we all see the place then?

Daniel smiled and nodded while walking with us and talking with my parents.. he was much older than me.. a full grown adult..

The place was amazing.. it was by a lake and it had a big field next to it.. there were many cabins and also a main area with the cafeteria and all.. he then showed us the trailers where there was hair, make up.. it also had a little spot called "The School Corner"..

As I walked around many new faces of people around my age passed by.. After a while, a lady joined us called Julie along with María, who was gonna be acting as my mom for the movie

The director then went to the main stage area that was built in the center and started calling us all.. he was not on top of it but in front, making the meeting much more close and intimate.. the guy introduced himself as Matthew Diamond and started talking about the concept of the movie.. he then told me to stand up so I could introduce myself

- Hello.. my name is Demi.. I'm 14 and I will be playing the role of Mitchie.. - I said nervously with a smile plastered across my face.. I was so weirded out since they were all staring at me.. it was uncomfortable to say the least

I then sat down and a boy stood up.. he had a massive head of curls..

- Hey.. - he smiled shyly while raising a hand - I'm Nick.. I'm 14 as well and will be Shane Gray

A girl then stood up and introduced herself as Meaghan.. She was going to be Tess Tyler..

While people continued presenting themselves, I looked at the curly haired boy for a second and noticed that he was looking at me.. I then looked back and he looked down turning his face towards a guy that was presenting himself right next to him

 I then looked back and he looked down turning his face towards a guy that was presenting himself right next to him

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Wouldn't Change a Thing (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now