So, an update, and most likely an end.

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Hey guys..

It's been a long time since I've written in this. Like, a long ass time, and I'm sorry. But my life got super crazy at the start of the year and it really hasn't stopped since then.

For starters, I'll be starting college like really soon, and I spent months and months preparing for all of that. Plus I was fighting my way through my end of senior year, and it was not easy. But, now I've graduated and I'm ready to move on with my life.

Two... I got outed to my parents a while ago about being trans, and they freaked out on me and said I was being ridiculous and called me insane... yeah, not pretty in general, and it really heightened my dysphoria and depression for a while there. I'm struggling a lot still with dysphoria, especially since people close to me are starting their transitions full swing, but I'm very close to moving out and having my own space and happiness.

I'm sorry I haven't kept this up, but my life has been super crazy. Unfortunately for now, I'm putting an end to this journal and series. I may return one day in the future, but I find it hard to keep up with journaling nowadays (obviously).

Know that I miss you all and your comments and love dearly. I hope all of your lives are well, and I send all my love.

With love, and please don't forget that,

Jack <3

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