Name and Gender Update... and an explanation

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Hey guys, Jack here.

"*gasp* Jack?! You've changed your name again? Dafuq? decide? also gender? dafuq? decide?"

I hope to God this is the last time I change it I promise.

So, recently I've come to terms with the fact that I'm fully trans ftm, and that I'm going to use he/him pronouns (though they/them is ok too, I won't be mad), and my first name is Jack.

What a name journey. First Quinn then Grey then Markie then Mykie now Jack.

Hopefully I won't change it again on you.

Now an explanation as to where I've been...

I don't have a good one.

A lot has happened since I've been away.

When I made the LGBT account, I accidentally sent something to my dad and then we had a long talk... where basically I came out to him as agender and as Mykie and everything but he didn't really listen but hey my parents didn't kick me out.

So I ended up deleting the account I'm sorry

Then.... idk. I have a bunch of chapter topics all lined up and I just have to write them, but I haven't had much the motivation. I only have the motivation to write this one thing this random septiplier fic I started idk

Hopefully soon I'll have something a chapter of substance for y'all

I love you all. Stay loved, stay alive.

Love Jack <3

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