"Pansy," Heather scoffs before she arrives at the car.

I lean over Harry to open the door for her. She greets us with a polite nod as Harry and I scoot over to the other seat so she can get in.

"Hello everyone, nice to meet you," she says as she shuts the door.

Heather steps on the pedal and takes us behind the building where no one can see us.

"So, why do you all of a sudden want to take down Queen Bitch?" Heather snaps.

"Wow.. um.. okay. Well, I am just done being her accomplice. When I entered the job, I thought I would be doing something other than ruining people's lives. She's also coming up with another one of her plans, and I have a feeling that this one is going to be much worse than any other that she has schemed."

"Were you apart of the pregnancy scheme?" Heather asks.

"No, but I knew about it," Gloria admits.

I can feel Heather tense up, so I interject.

"So, do we have a plan to rid Tracey from our lives?" I ask.

"Well, I had a two-hour car ride to think of something, haven't I?" She smiles warmly at all of us.

"Spill it Gloria Rose," Heather orders.

"So, the only reason that Tracey has went through with all of these plans is to gain money. We all know that. Her gold mine is Kendall and Harry together. For some reason, the couple makes millions. It causes fans to freak out online and it causes media to address the subject of Harry more often, giving him more popularity. Let me tell you - I don't want to fight against her. I want -"

"What the hell? You don't want to take down Queen Bitch after all?" Heather interrupts. "I think we're through."

"Listen to me, uh, what's your name?" Gloria asks.


"Listen, Heather. We don't need to take down Tracey. You guys can be rid of her, well almost rid of her, if we just show her that Nicole and Harry can make as much money as Hendall," she explains. "Do you understand?"

"That's...that's a good idea," Harry says. I see a small curve in his lips. He has hope that Gloria's plan will work.

"But, what about fighting? I just want my fist in her face already!" Heather whines.

"Heather - calm down. How about we make that plan B?" I try to persuade her. "If peace doesn't work, we will use whatever method you want."

"Fine," she huffs.

"So, how are we going to make as much money as Hendall?" I ask, my curiosity surfacing.

"First of all, you need a ship name, like them," Gloria says. "Studies show that ship names increase income."

"Who studied that?" Heather scoffs. "Lame."

Gloria ignores her comment and says, " How about Nicarry? It's cute."

"How come we never thought of that? It's so cute," I respond.

"But, I like H&N squared!" Heather complains. "It's both of our names times two!"

Gloria rolls her eyes. She's obviously getting annoyed with Heather, but I'm not. I've grown up with her constant complaining.

"Listen, you need to calm down," Gloria warns.

She shouldn't have said that.

"What did you just say to me?" Heather straigtens up and leans closer towards everyone in the back of the car. "No one tells me what to do. I will calm down when I fucking want to."

Gloria tries to move as far back away from Heather's face as she can. I swear, if I didn't know Heather as well as I do, I'd be out of this car by now. Gloria must be brave.

"Alright, alright. Stop." I push Heather's head away with my hand and she crosses her arms across her chest. Niall rubs her back, trying to ease her frustration.

"When referring to Harry and Nicole, fans can use the name Nicarry. When referring to both of your couples, the fans can use H&N squared. Fine?" Gloria asks.

"What about just Niall and I?" Heather objects.

"Hiall or Neather," I say.

"But right now, we need to focus on Nicole and Harry. Alright?" Gloria asks.

"Fine, Gloria Rose," Heather responds.

"What else are we going to do to make money?" I ask.

"This might seem kind of crazy, and you may not be up for it, but it's vital," Gloria explains. "Now that people think Harry and Kendall could possibly be parents, just having you date Harry will have no where near the same income as them. I was thinking about something that could possibly be bigger than just a pregnancy test."

"And, what is that?" Harry asks.



Author's note!

Since this was short, I will be updating tomorrow as well!

Also, I am getting my P.O. box tomorrow! :) I'll put my mailing address in the author's note tomorrow :)

Comment if you will send me anything!

I'm so excited :) Thanks for everything!

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