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Kree Howards

I took a deep breath. I can do this i know i can.

"Breathe babygirl it's gonna be fine"My father said as i linked my arm in his.

"You look nice"I said. He was wearing a black and white tux.

"You look beautiful"he said as he wiped a tear.

"Daddy dont cry"I said.

"It's not everyday your daughter gets married"He said and i smiled.

"Now remember you can always come back and live with me and your mother we love having you guys over."He said and I laughed

"It's time for me to finally move to the next chapter. It's  not the order i would want it to go in but owell. "He nodded as the doors open.  Holy matrimony by Wale and Usher started playing

People oo'd and everything at my dress and everything but i was only thinking and looking at two people at this moment.

Tre as he smiled brightly at me while my son stood by his side. I wiped a tear quickly before he laughed at me.

Once we got there and he grabbed my hands. I felt how nervous he was.

"Calm down"I said and he laughed

"It's not everyday you find the love of your life"He said and i blushed. 

"Dont make me blush"I said

"I wanna make you blush for the rest of my life"He said


"You may now say your vows"The Reverend said

"Ill go first i guess"Tre said

I nodded and he let go of my hand and pulled out a sheet of paper.

"I wanted to make sure i get ever word. Kree my sweet sweet Kree. I dont know what to even say to you. I just cant believe after all this time i  finally got the guts to ask you to marry me and you said yes. Since the day you walked in my life i knew you would be here forever. Well i sure did want you to. But as we stand here in front of our friends and family i wanna say this to you. I promise to never leave you and stay by your side no matter what. I let you go before and i regretted it. I promise to make you laugh when your sad. Entertain you when your bored. Love you through whatever and be your support when you feel like no one else got you. "He said and i wiped the tears.

Everyone looked at me and i smiled at him

"I feel like im in a dream. I mean i had a crush on you since i met you in the car that day. I didnt think i would be so lucky to have you standing in front of me ready to marry me. Someone asked me why i was so geeked over you one day and im pretty sure others will so I'll tell you my answer. It's because your kind and caring and compassionate and funny. Your determine and talented. Yeah you have bad qualities but i choose to ignore them because you choose to ignore mine. I guess the looks are just a bonus. Thank you for being there through the years I love you Tre "I said wiping away his tears.

"Tre also wanted to say something else. "The Reverend said and i was so confused.

Kj brought Khalil infront of him and i was still confused. Tre kneeled down in front of him

"I know your not my biological son but as i got to watch you go i felt like you were . I promise you'll never want or need for anything. I will always have your back no matter what mommy says. And when ever you feel like things arent going right i want you to know im here for you."He said.

"otay dwdday"He said and people aw'd and took pictures.

"Okay time for the rings"(I have never been to a wedding so im just going by what i see on tv)

"Repeat after me"The Reverend said and we nodded

"I Kree Renne Howards give you Devantre Oubre this ring an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you" i said sliding the ring on his finger with a smile.

"And i Devantre Oubre give you Kree Renee Howards this ring an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you"He said sliding the ring on mine.

 "And now, by the power vested in me by the State of Florida, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."  I stared at him for a second and he smiled pulling me close with a gentle yet compassionate kiss as people clapped and cheered

"Ladies and Gentlemen Mr. and Mrs. Devantre Oubre" and we walked down the aisle as people cheered. I dont think i couldnt be any happier surrounded by friends and family marrying the one person i wanted to spend my life with. I never expected for the journey to this day to be so hard but i sure am glad i took it

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