chapter 17

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tre pov

everyone had fallen asleep and I was next when I felt something wet on my shirt. I looked and it was kree babygirl was crying in her sleep. I shook her awake

"huh"she said looking up at me

"you lied to me kree"i said to her in all seriousness

"what you mean"she said rubbing her eyes

"you said you were okay you don't cry in your sleep when your okay"i told her

"tre I just had a bad dream"she said lying again

"come with me will go to the backyard if you don't wanna say it in here"i told her

I helped her up and then we went to the backyard and took a seat. I aint gonna lie she looked beautiful with the glowing pool water reflecting her light almost porcelain like skin.

we sat in silence for 2 minutes until she looked at me

"tre"she said


"how do you feel about me"she asked

"i don't know kree why does everybody keep asking me that kree I honestly don't know"he said

"so when you picture me you feel a blank" she asked turning to look at me

"i don't see a blank kree I see you I see the girl that changed my world you should be that what people say cant hurt you no matter how hard the try and that great things come in small packages."i told her

I was trying to put my feelings into words

"tre don't"she said turning away

"don't what" I turned and asked her

"don't say how you feel cause it will only make things worse" she said looking away

"what are you talking about kree"i asked

"maejor is my finace the deal was made before I was born"she said with tears falling down her cheek

I actually didn't know what to say so I just got up and walked away. I knew she couldn't chase me so it was much better to walk out.

I got in my car and punched the wheel. how could she get married. what am I saying its her life she can live it.

I drive to a place where I knew I could get my anger out.

"i knew kreep couldn't handle you"she said

"just shut up " i said kissing her and you know what happened next

"tre, tre, devantre"i woke up and seen nessa standing infront of me

"what"i asked rubbing my head

"now are you gonna tell me why your here"she asked

"i don't think you need to know and I'm leaving" I told her

"where you going"she asked

"pack for LSU"i told her

"o will you call me tonight"she asked looking at me. I turned and she was looking at me with pleading hazel eyes. nessa was far from ugly and when you first met her you would think she was the sweet girl I met in 6th grade. her curly hair that was blonde now and her full pink lips with her fair lightskin made her beautiful but the things she did made her ugly

"i might"i told her

she nodded.

I grabbed my shoes walking out the house driving to my house. when I got there everyone was gone since it was actually a Monday my mother knew I was staying home to pack since we're leaving tomorrow.

I turned on future cause instrumentals would make me get in my feelings and I wanted to avoid my feelings at all cost could then I would think of kree and start to wonder how I actually felt.

I walked to my closet and looked to see what I was planning to wear. I was trying to be comfy while I was there but I didn't want to give them the impression I was lazy so I packed 4 causual sweat outfits and 3 outfits that looked good.

I packed a bag for shoes then went downstairs and got my snacks and jewelry and hair products.

when I finished I decided to cook for my family. it was something I always did before I went on trips where I left them. being 17 and working and stuff I sometimes didn't make it home in time to eat with them and it drove my mother crazy being that I was her only son and her oldest child so she hadn't been through the whole leaving the nest thing but I gotta admit we were a close family.

I had cooked alfredo and lobster tails with cookies in the oven cause didi and Deja love cookies. I haven't told didi and Deja I was leaving again I really wish I could take them but I will when I decide where I wanna go.

I set the table just in time for them to all walk through the house. I turned the music off and turned on something more appropriate  for Deja since she was the youngest being 4.

"tretre"she said running into my arms

"hey babydoll"i said to her

"i got a green mark today tre that's good"she said and I laughed kissing her cheek.

"hey tre"didi said walking pass me with a frown on her face

"didi come here"i said to her

she kept walking

"leave her alone tre she's been in a mood since this morning I see you cooked"she smiled

"yeah where dad"i asked

"he's outside on the phone he will be in soon"she said heading upstairs to was up

when she did that I went to didi room

"didi"i said and she was on her bed

"huh"she said looking at me with her big brown eyes

'why are you crying"i asked her

"cause your leaving again I don't want you to leave tre"she said

"didi I don't want to either but I have to go to school and then imma be in the NBA and then I can be with you whenever you wont and you don't have to worry about me leaving again"i told her

"how long does that take"

"4 years di but don't worry I will comeback everytime I can"i told her putting her in my lap

"and you can visit me to"i told her

"really"she asked

"yeah and I got you this"i said pulling out the ipod I got her and Deja each

"thanks tre"she said grabbing the pink bedazzled one

"you can face time me when you want and the guys"i told her. we all got this for them cause we knew they would miss our presence since the guys are always over there.

"even kj"she asked

"yes even kj"i told her

"and kree"she asked

"how do you know kree"i asked her

"she was at kj house when mrs.starr was watching us she was there she's really nice and pretty"she said

"i can ask kree for you"i told her

"okay"she said

"come on lets go eat"i told her

I put her on my shoulder and walked her to the kitchen

"here we go "i said putting her down.

my phone rung and I seen it was kree calling but I pressed ignore

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