Chapter 12

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kree pov

2 weeks later

it's been 2 weeks since the trip and everything has kind of blowed over I talk to my father some what but it's only when I have too. When my daddy threw me he broke my ankle. At first a couple people were pissed but it hurt me the most that he didn't even talk to me until a week later. I'm pretty bum at the fact that the season is over and so is Toriana. I actually haven't seen the boys for a while tre and Justin sometimes pop up to get something from kj or Cordell and his son , jay so that Kyron has a friend.

"kree angel come see kj you as well"i heard my mother say

we walked well I limped and they walked downstairs to the white room well this room we're everything is white it's usually just for business. when we got there I saw 3 people a older guy who favored micheal ealy, a younger lightskin guy who could be my age and a guy in a suit.

"what's this "i asked them being that I wasn't really dressed I had on some loose nike sweatpants with a sports bra and her hair was in a silky messy bun.

"this is Emmanuel his son maejor and mr.lucas" my father said pulling my mother into his lap and I saw her tense up a little

"and they concern us why"kj said. Angel just stared at maejor like that's nasty he is 3 or 4 years younger then you

"Well let me say this why does this concern me and kree"he said. kj may have acted like an asshole by not telling me but he's actually making up for it and I think our bond is stronger

"well like I was saying maejor is new to the area and Emmanuel is a business partner which means you kree will be showing him around the school" my father said

"no offense but I wasn't asked to do this and as you can see I can barely walk around the school let alone show someone else around the school"i said looking at him

"kree please just do this for me"my mother said staring at Kyron who was laying on the couch next to me

"i aint doing this for you or anyone else"

"well what makes you think I wanna walk around the school with a thot"he said

I turned and looked at him then to my left and right

"I'm bout sick of everyone calling me a thot newsflash I'm a tomboy I am into basketballs more then balls but angel is willing to guide you"i said getting up and trying to limp away

"yeah I'm free I can show you around mae"she said smiling.

"i don't want you showing him around since you wont be inheriting anything from Kyree his daughter or son no step child was mentioned"emmanuel said looking at angel with disgust

"plus your a senior majors a freshman like kree"my mother said

"i mean I can do a little to help her out"kj said

"thanks kj you and kree will be a major help"emmanuel said

I just sighed I limped into the kitchen and tried to get on the counter to get some cookies but I couldnt reach it and I could climb to do it. I sighed I hate this shit man I gotta be in this fucking cast with fucking crutches.

"need help"someone said then they grabbed the cookies

I turned and seen tre

"tre"i said hugging him maybe a little to tightly

"i see you missed me babygirl"he said

"well I'm bored in this dumbass house"i said limping to grab milk and he grabbed to cups

"did you finally get over your addiction to eating cookie dough"he asked laughing

"aint funny and no kj just put it on a high shelf"i said frowning

"good that stuffs nasty"he said making a face that was suppose to be nasty but was actually cute

"want some" I asked him

"nah"he said and grabbed a cookie

"so anything new"i asked him

"got accepted to lsu this morning on a scholarship I should be leaving next week"he said

"who you going with"i asked

"me kj Justin and Jaylen"he said

"really the only people who actually come see me and entertain me are leaving"i said pouting

"babygirl will be back we just all wanna scope it out you know we would take you but you can't walk and its a lot of walking"he said and then I started to dislike my father alittle more.

"don't pout babygirl its not cute"

"whatever I'm always cute"i said

"what about you anything new"he asked

"yeah my father's making me and kj show that kid in there around but as you can see I can barely walk around the school"i said looking at my ankle

"its okay shawty you want be handicap for that long"he said nudging my shoulder

"yeah but basketball seasons over for me"i told him getting sadder

"just don't be depressed about it "he said. I could tell he was trying his hardest to cheer me up but it just didn't work

"I'm sorry I need a minute"i said wiping the tears

yall probably like she being over dramatic but in my life ball is life it is freshman year and there good seniors which means scouts  I could have been eating this year yet I'm bout to be hungry

"kree"he said

"yes"i said

"i um did some research on broken ankles and you can stretch to help it "he said. i was shocked that he actually took the time to do that

"you did that for me"

"yeah babygirl I didn't wanna see you miserable like this if you want I can be you partner you know"he said. he said. even though I couldn't jump my heart was

"yes"i said calmly

"alright let me get out of here before people start looking for me"he said eating more cookies then looking at me with those grey eyes and doing that eyebrow thing and walking out backwards. he hit the door and I laughed at the surprised look he had on his face before limping out the kitchen

"kree that was not funny"he said

"i wasn't laughing I had a throat tickle"i told him

"throat tickle my ass"he said

"language" we turn and seen angel and maejor

"oookay you need help upstairs or you gonna keep limping like that" tre asked

"i can limp"i said

"why limp when you have crutches that's stupid"maejor said and angel just nodded

"why fuck a whole bunch of random people instead of just commiting to one person"i said to them they didn't answer so I continued to limp up the stairs til someone picked me up

"put me down I'm fine"i said

"kree you aint fine we need to talk"i heard my father voice speak

he brought me to my room and closed the door

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