chapter 32

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tre pov

I walked in the trap and felt like throwing stuff but I just went downstairs.

"hey bro"justin said like we were cool

"don't talk to me this is your fault all your fucking fault why Justin why did you fuck her life up"i screamed

"i didn't fuck her life up"he said

"are you sick in the fucking head look at what you did to her she was barely recognize able"i screamed at him

"look I would apologize but I did what I did out of love I was in love with kree but she couldn't see that she was always under your ass I tried getting  her by making drew beat her but yall found her then I had to take matters in my hand but ofcourse that lil nigga had to come along and sweep her off her feet. after I had to take her cause the job wasn't being done I made her feel the pain I felt come on Tre you telling me that seeing her with him didn't upset you"he asked looking in my eyes

"that's not my right It wasn't yours either you shouldn't have touched her but even when your dead your gonna hunt her huh you made sure she got pregnant didn't you"i asked

"i wanted her to have apart of me cause I knew yall was gonna kill me"he said

"your right about that shit"i said

he laughed

'your gonna kill me huh that's funny but Tre you know I'm not stupid"he said

"what"i asked

"if I die then so will your lil family imagine lil didi neck broke"he said making me angry

"you wouldn't"

"gotta make sure that you couldn't kill me I would protect me if I was you" he said

I sighed

"why Justin why the hell you doing this"i asked him

"cause I want to Devantre"he said

I walked out the room making sure to hide him

I wanted to go to the hospital but I couldn't look at kree knowing that I was gonna be protecting the nigga that done this

I heard Justin's laugh I wish I could strangle his ass but I knew my sisters would die if I did.

I grabbed my keys and just went home. in order to do this I have to basically act like kree doesn't exist anymore.

I just got her inorder to leave her.

I know I seem like an ass but that's life she would do the same for kj so I can do it for my sisters.

4 months later

"tre stooooppppp"passion said

"say your sorry babe"i said as I kept tickling her

"no Tre tre sttooop I'm gonna pee"she screamed as she laughed

I finally stopped and she pushed me away.

"aww I'm sorry baby"i said trying to hug her

"no I told you sorry you play to much"she pouted

"how about I get us some food"i asked her and she smiled as I kissed her cheek

"i'd like that"she said and I got up and went to the kitchen

"Tre kj's here"she yelled

what he want. I hated seeing his face since he reminded me so much of kree but passion was making me get over her.

he walked in the kitchen

"you cooking"he asked

"yeah you staying to eat it"i asked him

"nah I gotta make a flight today"he said

"oh where'

"Orlando that's where kree is"he said

"how is she"i asked turning around to see his face

"if your asking did she move on she hasn't told me she's a little more guarded ever since she left but she learning to cope "he said

"with what"i asked

"with being hurt Tre toriana says she still screams in the middle of the night"he said

"is that your lil sister "passion asked walking in the room

"yeah kree"he said

I guess she was pulled up on his phone

"she's gorgous how old is she"

"17 now" he said

"oh "she said

he nodded

passion always said she felt like kj didn't like her its not that he said its the fact that she's a replacement for his sister and he didn't like that

"she 4 month"i asked

"yeah she's having a boy she said"he said

"tell her I said hey"i told him

he nodded before walking out

"what up with you and kj" passion asked as she came and wrapped her arms around my waist

"i use to go out with kree'i told her

'is that your baby"she asked

"no she was raped by Justin"i told her

"didn't you move Justin out the country"she asked

"i did cause he has a hit on my sisters if he dies they do aswell"i said


"why you so curious"i asked

"cause I am big head but hurry or your gonna be late for practice"she said

"I'm gonna be on time and if I wouldn't I would have called coach and told him"i told her

"don't catch an attutide" she said

"shush"i said kissing her and fixing her plate

"thank you babes"she said

"welcome love"i said smaking her ass

"bitch that fucking hurt"she said popping me

'don't hit me pash" I said

she nodded and went sit on the couch

I went upstairs and got ready for practice.

after I was dressed I looked up kree Instagram to see if I could find clues there her page was now private and she had blocked my ass. that's that hurt.

"Tre you always the last one to practice so give me a lap"coach said as I walked in

I sighed and then ran a lap around the whole stadium like he asked.

when I got back I was a little tired but I was use to it considering I always did run the lap.

"we got a game tomorrow yall so its a quick practice and then we out" he said

he wasn't lying we was there probably an hour and then we was told that we could leave.

I decided to go chill with the guys at the trap since pash was with her grandmother and mother at the hair salon

"what up nigga"i said to all of them

they all nodded into there phone

"what yall looking at. "i asked and they hid it

"what was that"i asked

"nun tre chill"mario said

"mhm"i said walking to the back to see kyree

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