chapter 33

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kree pov

"kree wana go to the mall" toriana asked

"no my feet hurt and kj coming in today"i told her as she got ready to go

"ty gonna be there"she said with a smirk

"stop trippin he was nice to me for a second and now you wanna make me go out with the dude tor"i said rubbing my lil pudge.

my stomach hasn't even gotten bigger its just hard right now.

"I'm just saying you should get over tre"she said

"i am over him"i said

"i saw you phone last night he has a girl why can you get a guy and ty does like you "she said

"yeah then when I look as big as a fuckin whale he's gonna like the next girl and forget I exist"i said

"not with this picture he posted of you" she said turning it

she showed me a picture of me laughing when I was hanging out with them last night the caption said

hoodrich.ty- if every word I said made her smile then I would never shut up

that was so sweet

"awww that's so sweet"

"so why not thank him in person plus he'll just in the back mopping around while we shop"she said

"ugh fine toriana ill come with you"i said and went take a shower.

after I made sure that I was clean and smelled good I went to my closet.

I decided to wear a white V-neck with some olive green skinny jeans a blue jean jacket and my wheat timberlands. I went and grabbed a couple necklaces and a mk gold watch.

I walked to the restroom and put my hair in a very messy bun with some gold hoop earrings.

I walked to the front with my tan crossbody bag and looked at toriana who was smiling

"i see you got dolled up"she said

"no I didn't"i said

"mhm you messing lipgloss"she said and I rolled my eyes putting some on.

after we alerted the guards we we're leaving and I sent kj a text telling him I was leaving aswell and where to meet us.

we went to my candy red camero and drove to the mall with toriana constantly texting Jaylon.

once we got there ty dre Jaylon and diamond we're waiting by the door.

"babymomma"she said running to me hugging me.

I hugged her back

"chica"i said

"thugga"she said hugging toriana

"hey dia"she said

afterwards I hugged the guy and purposely left ty out.

we started walking when I felt myself being lifted

"so you thought you was just gonna forget my hug"he asked making me laugh as he held me

"yes I did"i told him

"oh really you so mean to me"he said mind you he's still holding me in his arms

"put me down ty"i said

"nah I like walking like this"he said

"ugh I wanna walk"i said pouting

"oh we acting like a baby now" he asked

I didn't respond making him start carrying me bridal stlye

"put my down ty"i said

everyone else just laughed

"nah"he said

"brobro"i said seeing it Jaylon was gonna help me

"nah you got yourself in that situation" he laughed

"imma remember that next time you say you hungry in toriana aint cooking'i said and he got up and came help me

"thank you 'I said

"do I get my hug" he asked

I turned and hugged ty

he held on tightly

I finally let go and we walked around

"so you want anything"he asked

"I'm just looking for the new jordans but I'm not bout to stand in that dam line so wanna go see if they have some"i asked him

he nodded and we walked in that direction looking for footlocker.

ince we got there the guy said they we're out but they would call me when they got a new shipment.

"where else you wanna go "he asked me

we looked at each other

"FOOD COURT" we screamed and went straight to great American cookie where we saw the squad

"see I told yall they loved food so they would have come" dre said

I took one of his fries and ate it

"i didn't ask for a piece of cookie why you took my fry" he asked

"cause I wanted one"i said

"always bullying me"he said

I laughed and kissed his cheek

my eyes got covered

"ty stop playing I said

"this aint ty"he said and I knew it was kj and I turned and jumed into his arms

"i missed you so much"i said

"i can tell blowing up my phone "he laughed

I finally got down and saw ty looking sad

"this your boyfriend"he asked

"no everyone this is kj my brother kj this is ty, diamond, dre, and Jaylon"i said introducing them

ty face changed into a smile which was really cute and he shook kj hand

"cuzzy"toriana said hugging him

"what yall doing after this "kj asked

"probably chillinat ty house"jaylon said

"kree ill see you at your house I need to meet up with come connects"he said and walked awary

"yall ready to go" dre asked

"yeah"i said taking the rest of his fries and dipping then in his smoothie

"ty get your girl she keep eating my food"he said

we all laughed and got up walkin out the mall

"I'm riding with them"diamond said and we went to my car

"girl what kinda spell you put on ty"diamond asked

"i told her the same thing but she acting blind talking about he wouldn't want her cause she pregnant" toriana said

"girl ty talk about you none stop its made annoying sometimes'

"yeah cause I'm not fat"i told him

"kree stop saying that and stop being insecure your beautiful and stop doubting ty and thinking he like that he know your pregnant and hasn't run so stop"diamond said and it just got quiet

"are you still stuck on tre"diamond asked

" I hate him he was a coward coming out here ty actually takes my mind away from him"i said

"well why wont you give him a chance"they both asked

"ugh why yall being like this"

"cause we want you happy come on kree"tori said

"fine ill gove him a chance" I said causing them cheered

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