The 7 Nobel Metals Of The Ancients

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#3 Gold: The Sun

Gold expresses the radiance of the sun and it can never tarnish in fire

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Gold expresses the radiance of the sun and it can never tarnish in fire. Gold is associated with the heart and used in the medical field to diagnose heart problems. Gold is found in highest concentrations in the human heart but in a cow their horns.
Gender Association: Male
Day of Week Association: Sunday
Colour Association: Yellow & Orange
Element Association: Fire
Zodiac Association: Leo
Stone/Crystal Association: Topaz, Yellow Diamond, Jacinth, Goldstone, Chrysoleth, Amber, Tiger's Eye, Sunstone, Diamond, Zircon
Herb/Plant Association: Cloves, Cinnamon, Frankincense, Bay, Heliotrope, Neroli, Ambergris, Mastic, Vanilla, Acacia, Almond, Angelica, Ash, Benzoin, Cassia, Chamomile, Centaury, Sweet Cicley, Clove, Ginger, Juniper, Lovage, Marigold, Meadow Rue, Mistletoe, Myrrh, Oak, Patchouli, Rosemary, Rue, Saffron, St. John's Wort, Storax, Sunflower, Tormentil, Vine, Walnut, Broom.

#4 Iron: Mars

Mars, known as the 'red planet' for its dust storms made of iron oxide

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Mars, known as the 'red planet' for its dust storms made of iron oxide. It's believed at one point Mar's had more oxygen for the iron to oxidize causing it's rusty colour. Iron is an earth metal, having the unique property of pointing north in a compass as it aligns with earths magnetic field unlike the other metals. Iron also makes up the majority of the earths core. Mar's/Iron is associated with blood, war and fire. Blood-because iron is required for us to carry oxygen to our bodies cells. War- because iron used to be heated and hammered into weapons & armour. Fire- because Iron is a metal that burns (ex. a falling star- its the iron burning). Vulcan and Ares are associated with this planet & metal as well. Often times iron would be bound up with copper as in our blood so Mar's & Venus are mutually attracted. Mar's characteristics are: strength, courage and will.
Gender Association: Male
Day of Week Association: Tuesday
Colour Association: Red
Element Association: Fire
Zodiac Association: Aries
Stone/Crystal Association: Bloodstone, Garnet, Ruby, Jasper
Herb/Plant Association: Cypress, Pine or Tobacco, All-Heal, Aloe, Asafoetida, Basil, Betony, Chilli, Coriander, Dragon's blood, Gentain, Garlic, Mustard, Onion, Pepper, Radish, Sarsaparilla, Taragon, Holly, Kerm, Oak

#5 Lead: Saturn

Lead has dark connections and is related to death and transformation

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Lead has dark connections and is related to death and transformation. Lead was one of the first metals, because of this it was used in bullets and coffins. Lead remains the only toxic pollutant overlapping those found in the general population. 'Saturnism' an industrial disease caused by lead being added into products such as paints; it leads to headaches, fatigue, irritability and depression. The metal represents impurities of the metal and humans, burning it represents cleansing and removal of imperfections.
Gender Association: Male
Day of Week Association: Thursday
Colour Association: (Black) Dark
Element Association: Water & Earth
Zodiac Association: Capricorn
Stone/Crystal Association: Pearl, Onyx, Star Sapphire, Obsidian, Agates, Lodestone, Hematite, Jet
Herb/Plant Association: Civet, Ironweed, Myrrh, Monkshood, Wolfsbane, Beets, Bistort, Comfrey, Cypress, Hellebore, Hemlock, Horsetail, Hemp, Henbane, Mandrake, Marijuana, Opium poppy, Nightshade, Patchouli, Solomon's Seal, Thyme, Yew

#6 Silver: The Moon

Associated with the moon goddess silver also needs darkness for its reactions, light can spoil the mercury

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Associated with the moon goddess silver also needs darkness for its reactions, light can spoil the mercury. Mirrors are also associated with silver as they are typically coated in silver.
Gender Association: Female
Day of Week Association: Monday
Colour Association: Green & Yellow (White)
Element Association: Water
Zodiac Association: Cancer
Stone/Crystal Association: Moonstone, Pearl, Mother-of-Pearl, Quartz, Abalone, Opal.
Herb/Plant Association: Ginseng, Jasmine, Myrtle, Poppy, Sandalwood, Coconut, Banana, Cabbage, Chamomile, Chickweed, Cucumber, Leafy vegetables, Lotus, Melons, Mushrooms, Myrtle, Opium poppy, Pumpkin, Purslane, Sea holly, Seaweed, Watercress, Wild rose, Wintergreen.

#7 Tin: Jupiter

It embodies wisdom, logic, education, maturity and knowledge

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It embodies wisdom, logic, education, maturity and knowledge. Jupiter was known as being the preserver. Connected to prosperity and wealth. Associated with balance, philosophical view of life.
Gender Association: Male
Day of Week Association: Saturday
Colour Association: Green & Purple
Element Association: Air & Fire
Zodiac Association: Sagittarius
Stone/Crystal Association: Amethyst, Chrysolite, Sapphire, Turquoise, Lapis Lazli, Azurite
Herb/Plant Association: Cedar, Nutmeg, Agrimony, Anise, Ash, Melissa, Betony, Bloodroot, Borage, Clover, Dandelion, Hyssop, Juniper berries, Mint, Mistletoe, Oak

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