chapter fifty two

Start from the beginning

The irascible woman groaned. "What do you think? It's your damn phone Nick!"

He jolted and patted his pockets before pulling a screaming phone to which Vanda muttered about the dead awakening at the horrible ringtone.

Nick glared at her then picked the call. "Hey man." He listened momentarily then responded nodding his head. "Alright, let me ask her." He covered the cell with his hand then turned to Vanda. "Dinner at Gina's?" She nodded as predicted. "Yap! We'll be there." He said goodbye before the call ended. "Let's go home, I know you need at least two hours to make up your already pretty face."

"Nope." She disagreed tossing a pile of dresses at him. "I need at least two more dresses to cash out from your already bruised credit card."

Nick dropped the dresses on the couch he'd been sitting on. He snaked his arm around her waist pulling her close. "Bruised what?" He kissed her passionately. With a smug, he said. "I'll buy you the entire mall if you want it."

Of course he would. Rolling her eyes she said, "You don't have to rub it on my face."

He rubbed her butt before giving it a lingering squeeze. "How about rubbing it here?"

She growled before grabbing the dress in the giggling salesgirl's hands and made a mad dash to the changing room. But she didn't miss his amused chuckle on the way.


"I know things didn't turn out how we'd anticipated but we have a lot of reasons to celebrate. I mean we have two babies on the way, we're all in love with the perfect person." She smiled at the sister. "We have a sister even though she's not with us. We are award-winning entrepreneurs and Mr surgeon here..." she smiled at Calvin. "...just opened a hospital and..." her smile wavered. "...despite the hardships we've encountered, we've only become a stronger and better family."

She raised the champagne flute higher and smiled widely. "For that I want to propose a toast. To love, to life, to the future, to success, to the family... to us."

"To us." They chorused clicking the glassware.

When the toast was over, Vanda beamed. "So... Gwen,"


She arranged the napkin on her laps. "When are you joining the mommies-to-be club, alias toasting-with-juice-while-others-enjoy-a-flute?"

They all laughed before Gwen answered her. "Well... I'm caught up with my consultancy company. She's still a baby and of course Calvin's torn between saving lives and the new hospital. So not soon."

"She's speaking for herself." Calvin chimed in while slicing into his wine marinated beef. "I for one I'm so ready."

Gwen smiled sarcastically. "Very supportive honey."

Laughter ensued. "Well that was... quite the answer. I mean it was very helpful of course, with both of you agreeing like that." Gina said with sarcasm before stuffing mushroom into her mouth.

"Don't mind them Gwen." Nick said. "Two pregnant women are enough for now."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Vanda gritted out clicking the fork in her hand against the China.

Nick eyed the fork then averted his eyes to the holder. "Uh, I mean, that..."

The other couples watched them with amusement. Vanda raised her brows askance her grip on the fork tightening. Eddie jumped in to his friend's rescue. "I'm sure he meant that, we are all very eager for the babies. Nick?"

"That exactly. I meant that exactly." He assured nodding his head. He smiled at Vanda who smiled right back.

They went back to their food while making small talk. The men would often veer into business or politics but would return to lighter topics when the women gave them the sour look. That was before Gina kicked Eddie from under the table. The man brushed it off as an accident. She kicked him again this time glaring at him. The man in question pecked her and went back to his conversation with the men.

Gina sighed with resignation then pulled his plate to herself. She was about to take a spoonful when Eddie scolded. "What are you doing?"

Gina dropped the silverware. "What does it look like I'm doing? Eating Raymond, it's called eating."

Eddie heaved patiently. "That is my food and you can't have that because it is wine marinated."

"Well you were ignoring me and I want food." Gina snapped irately. 
Eddie's gaze fell on her empty plate then on her belly. Obviously serving herself would be strenuous, the belly made everything awkward. Smiling at her, he began serving her. He placed her plate in front of her. "Good?"

"Thank you." She muttered digging into the saucy mushrooms and broccoli.

"Certainly not ready for this." Calvin muttered. With the glares from Vanda and Gina, he added. "Certainly not ready to stop eating this exquisite food."

The pregnant women muttered incoherently and continued eating.

"So about that hospital, investors?" Eddie asked seriously.

"There's the director of the hospital I'm currently working for, a brilliant fellow that one. I brought on board a medicine manufacturer, they'll ensure the supply is a smooth flow on a discount."

Nick swallowed the white wine in his mouth. "Eddie and I would love to bring our real estate company on board. If you'll have us of course, we'll be benefiting from the properties and the hospital could expand easily."

Eddie agreed. "You'll be safer if it becomes a limited liability company. Of course the insurance will always have your back but it wouldn't hurt if the hospital was a person on its own."

"Is that the whole company assets are separate from my personal assets?" Calvin pried.

"Yeah. If the hospital was to encounter a debt, lawsuit or any other liability, it wouldn't affect you personally. Your hospital could be run as a corporation where we handle the business while you focus on the patients. We can discuss this in detail of course before you take us in." Was Eddie's lengthy explanation.

Calvin was about to refute when he caught a glimpse of deathly glares from three pairs of feminine eyes on them. "I think...that...would be a good idea."

The other gentlemen got the cue and diverted their attention to their plates.

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