chapter thirty

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"Marshall family_"

Gina bolted to her feet and let out a breathy answer, "yes."

Everyone stood up with expectant, hopeful expressions. "I would like to see the family please." The doctor said.

"Everyone is family here doctor, how is my mother doing?" It was Gwen's impatient question.

Sighing in compliance, the doctor explained his voice extremely professional but his posture rather tired and beat. "Mrs Marshall is alive," he paused after his audience's sighs of relief. "But," he began gaining their undivided attention. "She's in a critical condition, the bullet went through her left back past the spinal cord, luckily it didn't touch the heart but it did receive the shock since it was within radius of immediate injury. Her heartbeat due to adrenaline rush of the impact is quite unstable." He finished quietly.

"How...How bad is it doctor?" Gina asked putting on a brave front contrasting the frantic fear her heart was undergoing. "What is her chance of survival?" She went on after feeling Eddie's much needed, supportive embrace.

"We cannot tell that now miss Marshall, she is in a coma and she has the life support machine to help her with oxygen supply and regulate her heartbeat, miss Marshall_"

Gina swallowed a lump her eyes glistening with threatening, unshed tears. She clenched onto Eddie's firm arms for support, her heart dreadful of the doctor's next words.

"She may or may not survive this and even if she survived, she may be at a risk of never walking again and severe brain damage." The doctor dropped the bomb that they all somehow knew was coming.

They all had a different expression, all displaying their heartache differently. Vanda was a sobbing mess as her heart wrenching sobs echoed through the quiet corridors of the hospital. Nick held on tightly to the woman's weak body.

Sue still wouldn't bring herself to talk, her throat dry and painful as a result of screaming and crying the previous night. The woman was locked in a tight embrace with the youngest Marshall. She looked so much like her best friend and holding on to her somehow soothed her, coaxing her mind into believing that Mona would be fine. She was a strong woman, their lives together since childhood was the ultimate evidence of an adventurous friendship. She heard a sob escape Gwen's throat and squeezed her closer. Why was the young woman crying? Didn't she trust her strong mother to fight this? Surely soon enough Mona would be up and about being her usual scheming, bubbly self.

Eddie was holding a teary, dreadfully quiet Gina. He wished that she cried and let it out like everyone else but no, the woman chose to be as stubborn as his mother. He knew his mother was strong but he hated to admit that strength had nothing to do with how the two most important women in his life were taking this. He thought it was worryingly unhealthy.

"Excuse me." A male voice brought him out of his stupor. Not letting go of Gina, he turned to face the owner's voice. His eyes met with two pairs.

A male's and a female's.

"Yes?" He replied wondering why that sounded askance.

"I'm Detective Michael Brown." He claimed holding up a badge as prove. "This is my partner Detective Bridget Gray, we are here for questioning with regards to Mrs Marshall's case." He informed shaking Eddie's hand.

Eddie nodded in understanding then said, "Eddie Raymond. Detective, as you can see most of us are not in any condition to_"

"We understand it's hard for the family right now, but the offender is somewhere out there walking freely, we need you to cooperate to help us catch them." Detective Bridget cut him off.

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