chapter forty seven

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Prenatal wasn't going the way Gina desired. Every other woman attended with their spouses but she was stuck with a chatterbox for a best friend and all for what? She didn't understand what fate had against her but it was unfair in more ways than one. She'd been dumped at the altar on her wedding day, Mona had to die and leave her alone, Gwen was clearly mad at her since she barely communicated and now the only man she'd truly loved turned out married. The only blessing she was counting was her four months old foetus and_

She screamed at the top of her lungs as the car jerked braking abruptly and if not for heavens and the seatbelt she would have gone flying out the windshield. Her head snapped to the driver. "What the heck, Vanda! Are you trying to kill us?"

The other woman shrugged nonchalantly. Her features were relaxed, completely unperturbed. "Why are you angry at me? Weren't you committing suicide with all that unnecessary thinking?"

"I swear, Vanda you're insane." She snorted not so elegantly. "You just had to interrupt my thoughts by giving me that shocker?"

Vanda shook her head briskly. "I was saving you and my little nephew from depression. It doesn't matter how drastic my measures are but you mom to-be must stay as healthy as a horse. I know things are sticky right now but everything will be alright. Eddie or no Eddie. Clear?"

Attempts to hold back the tears failed and a sob escaped her lips. She heaved deeply but it still wouldn't work and the next thing she knew, her body was shaking and quivering as sob after sob wrecked through her. Vanda unbuckled their seatbelts and she scooted closer before engulfing the crying woman in her arms. Gina Marshall never cried so when she did Vanda knew too well that she was at her lowest. While she was truly a strong woman, one could only take too much. With Mona gone, Gwen not talking to her and Eddie's recent marriage revelation, Gina couldn't help but realize that she was alone. If Vanda wasn't there holding her and whispering soothing words of encouragement to her, she certainly wouldn't be able to keep it together.

When her sobs subsided and all she could do was sniff and wipe her tears away, she pulled herself from Vanda's hold. "Sleep over?"

"Just gossip and junk no tears and boy talk, unless it's about my nephew. Deal?" Vanda taunted teasingly.

The other woman sniffed and laughed faintly. "Like you can shut up about Nick for an hour. And I'm carrying a girl not a boy?"

Vanda's features contorted into a scowl. "I haven't even seen him for a week." She pouted. "It's like he's cheating on me with your son's father."

Gina couldn't help but laugh. The entire melodrama was meant for cheering her up. Gina knew a lot had been happening and Nick and Vanda were caught in the cross fire. It was friends like them that reminded her just how lucky she was. "Well let's cheat on them too."

They grinned at each other before Vanda keyed the ignition. "Gross." And just like that they were laughing like mad women.


Regina watched as the blue Bugatti sped away with a wide smile on her lips. Lately she'd been finding reasons to smile and for once in years she was actually happy, extremely happy.
Witnessing for herself as Gina Marshall broke down was beyond relieving. That priceless view had killed whatever doubts she had about there being trouble in paradise. The paradise she'd sworn to destroy. She was one step closer to getting what she wanted; Eddie Raymond.
And she knew exactly where her next stop was.


"...alright Mr Raymond, I'll send her up." The concierge replaced the receiver before turning to the stranger.

She quirked her shapely brow askance. "Well? He wants to see me right?"

The elderly concierge feigned a smile. "Apparently yes, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, it's just that the young man only has four female visitors and_"

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