chapter thirty seven

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Long manicured fingers drummed rhythmically on the soft furry white steering wheel causing the gold bangles to jiggle in a predictable music. A smug tugged on those thin red lips as she stared at the skyscraper towering the part of the city. Signature glasses adorned her peculiar face disguising the woman. Her back rested flat on the leather upholstered seat as she meditated her orchestration, perfectly arranged devices outlined methodically in her calculative mind. Permit or not she was going to wreck havoc in their lives like an irked tornado and there was nothing anyone could do about it. She'd never been one to live by the book. She broke rules like they were meant to be. Boss or no boss, she'd never adhere to authority. Where was the fun in indulging in boring predictions, dictations.

With measured orderly steps she slipped out of the car in such elegance one would think she was royalty. If only they knew. Burgundy stilettos graced the walkway majestically in bold steps. Shoulders square, chin defiant and vision focused. She was a woman on a mission. To destroy. She grinned to herself as she turned a cold shoulder on the curious glances sent her way and maneuvered into the elevator.
The ping of opening elevator doors elated her already ecstatic mood as she walked to what she assumed was the PA's post. "Hello." A dazzling pearly smile matched the enthusiasm of her tone.

"Hello. How may I help you miss?" Frank asked courteously.

She hummed in pretentious thoughts. "Actually darling you can't help me. But_" She continued, this time beaming. "Your boss can. Be a gentleman and let him know someone important is here to pay him a visit." She paused accessing the young man's intrigued features. "Do remember to mention it would be a deadly mistake to turn me away."

Frank observed the strange lass with keenness. What would his boss have to do with her? He was overconfident that he'd never laid his eyes on her. She meant business but something about her screamed trouble in bold conspicuous inscriptions. Her nails, more like claws drummed on the wood desk and her shapely brow twitched with impatience. Eager one this one.
He made the call to Mr Raymond and after relaying word for word as the woman had commanded, Mr Raymond with irritation laced with curiosity permitted she went in. "Glass double doors to your left ma'am." He directed after ending the call.

The devious smirk that curled on her blood lips made Frank's insides knot agonisingly. Her even more devilish voice made his toes curl in his loafers. "Your boss is still a smart one I see." With that she strutted away the sway of her hips gentle in sync with the click of her heels.

Eddie didn't bother to glance up once the doors to his office pushed open. His busied fingers perused a bulky file animatedly. When the intruder didn't speak in another thirty seconds, he did without diverting his attention. "I don't have all day Mr Important." His voice a blend of impatience and nonchalance.
The voice that replied dizzied him before the file escaped his grasp and thudded on the working desk.

"It's Miss actually."


A foul irksome feeling rippled through her guts. Her facial features contorted in helplessness. Not again please. She mentally pleaded with her intestines not erupt. Again. For four days in a disturbing row, Gina felt sickly and fatigued. She'd successfully managed to discretely throw up all three pancakes Eddie had lovingly made. She'd hadn't wanted him to worry and fuss over her like he predictably would, so she'd unscrupulously lied about pending workload on her desk and he'd suspiciously allowed her to leave first. Assuming she was just fed up with pancakes, she'd dropped by the cafe across the road and greedily munched a waffle scone and two chocolate coated doughnuts with an espresso hoping she'd keep them down. To her dismay, she'd rushed to the bathroom thirty minutes later. Irritated by it all and a rather unexpected developed huge appetite, she'd angrily retrieved a 500 millimetre yoghurt from the office fridge and downed it all. Two hours later she realised she'd celebrated a tad too soon. It was happening again.

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