chapter two

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Gina had been working on her way home so she did not notice the familiar driveway and the stop that the car made until the chauffeur cleared his voice.

"Is there a problem Daniel?" She asked not bothering to look up still clicking the buttons on her laptop, comparing statistics from a sheet on her hand.

" We are here ma'am" Daniel confirmed.

Confused, she asked "Here? Where?" Then as if it hurt to look away from her work she slowly looked up.

Biting the corner of her lower lip she closed her laptop,gathered the heap of papers on the other seat and picked her purse before stepping out of the door, Daniel now held ajar.

"Thank you," With that she walked to the huge front door where one of the three maids that worked in her mother's mansion appeared and took the laptop and ream of papers, taking them to the study as they all knew how obsessed the lady was with her work.

As she was about to climb the staircase, cussing and wondering why they were so many,a very angry, squeaky voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Why the hell did they kick me out of Marshall and Marshall !" She barked.

Gina continued walking as if she had not heard the young lady. "Good evening too Gwen,my day was just as easy little sister." she remarked sarcastically as she walked up to her room, her younger replica trailing behind her.

"You are really not apologising to_" She still followed her sister into the huge room that was oh so her older sister.

"Grey walls,black bed,dull lamps ugh! You need redemption big ol' sis, this room looks like a witch's den you need to_" A huge, grey, silk pillow landed on her perplexed face before hitting the grey fur-like velvety floor.

"How much do you want?" The older sister who was now bare-footed asked. She looked less intimidating without the ridiculously high heels.

"First off, you need to learn how to talk to people like they are humans with two ears and not mannequins that you have to keep yelling at,secondly stop creeping from behind me out of nowhere since I might decide to shoot you thinking you are a burglar and finally,stop whining because this den of mine will never change" she sighed loudly at the end of her lecture.

"Well mom is flying home tomorrow."she announced, shrugging.

"What!" Gina exclaimed. That was not good. "And you are telling me just now, Gwen?" She questioned with a huff.

"Well you had me kicked out so..." with that she turned to leave the room but stopped at the door and half turned. "You got this sis,she will understand and you will do what you have always done with the businesses. Conquer."

They gave each other reassuring smiles and the younger woman left closing the door silently but firmly.

Soo. yaay am making progress,what do you think so far? Please comment and let me know.

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