Frankie hugged me tightly as soon as he saw me and then we ran towards his room.. this was much less awkward at least..

I never thought I would spend the day with the Bonus Jonas.. clearly Nick isn't over our kiss or he would be talking with me.. right? Does he still think it's awkward?

After hours of playing with my sister and Frankie, Nick knocked on the door

- Hey.. what are you guys doing?

I glared at him and rolled my eyes - Go play videogames

He got inside the room sighing and sat next to me

- Are you mad at me? - he asked quietly..

- Go ask Maya - I answered sharply

- She already left..

- That explains why you're here - I commented standing up

- That explains why you're here - I commented standing up

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- Demi, wait.. - Nick started

I walked down the stairs and half way through, he finally tugged at my arm making me turn around

- What do you want? - I said a little louder

- Why are you so mad? I'm sorry..

I rolled my eyes and kept going downstairs towards the kitchen

- Demi.. talk to me

- Why did you tell me to come? So I could play with Frankie? Was that the intention? Or was it to watch you and Maya play stupid videogames together?

Nick leaned against the counter that was separating us and sighed - you're right.. I'm sorry

Once again, the room went silent.. I picked up a water bottle and turned to look at him to see if he was going to say anything

I chugged the entire bottle waiting for him to speak

- I should get going.. - I told him

- What? Now?

- Yes Nick.. you can't even make small talk with me! - I groaned out of frustration - Is it still because of what happened?

- What? No!! - he answered as I walked up the stairs again to call my sister.. Nick tried to explain but he was not even saying rational sentences.. I told Maddie to get her stuff

Wouldn't Change a Thing (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now