We got our lunches and started eating, as we were eating Y/n needed to use the restroom. "I'll be back guys, I need to use the restroom." she stood up and walked off, after awhile I need to use it too but I wanted to wait for Y/n.

I couldn't hold it any longer. "Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have drank so much coffee this morning!" Jackson looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "I'll be right back!" I ran off.

After I did my business I was heading back to the cafeteria, I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and when I went around the corner I bumped into someone and dropped my phone.

Good thing I had a good phone case to avoid cracking my screen. The person picked it up, "Good thing the screen didn't crack." He looked at me, Jimin? "What do you want?" I asked him in a monotone voice.

"I was just going to the restroom, I can't be human?" I just rolled my eyes, it pisses me off just looking at him. "Here, your phone." As he was passing it to me he accidentally pressed the home button, and there reveals the picture.

He looked at it, then his gaze went to me. Looked like he went into shock, I didn't know what to do or say to him. Does he know? Did he find out?

I was panicking. I just grabbed my phone from his hand, "U-uh, I better get back. Jackson and Y/n are waiting for me." I walked off from him but I still felt him staring at me.

I stood in the washroom for awhile because I felt like I was going to puke, but it was a false alarm. Before I went back to the cafeteria I went to my locker to get something out of my bag, I almost forgot to take my prenatal vitamin.

As I was digging in my bag someone pushed me away from my locker and grabbed my bag out. It was Jimin, "What the hell Jimin! What are you doing?!" I tried getting my bag back but he pushed me away from him, but not hard enough for me to fall.

Just enough for me to get out of his way. He didn't even answer me, he dumped everything out of my bag, "Jimin! What are you doing?!" still no answer.

He crouch down searching through my things, not even 2 seconds he grabbed something and grabbed my wrist really tight dragging me somewhere.

I was trying to keep up with his pace until I noticed we were heading back to the cafeteria. "Ouch, Jimin! Let go, you're hurting me!" I was trying to get out of his grip, he didn't even listen to me.

After awhile I noticed we were heading toward JB and Jackson, JB noticed us and he stood up right away looking furious. "Let go of her right now before I fucking kill you!" JB threatened.

Jackson grabbed JB's arm, "Hey, not here. We're in school man." JB pushed Jackson's arm away, "Like I care.." I looked around and everyone's attention was on us, I noticed Jennie with her friends and she was glaring at me. I was starting to feel uncomfortable.

Jimin was still not talking, he was just staring right at Jaebum. He let go of my wrist and slowly started taking steps toward JB, JB didn't move he just stood there.

They were face to face, the atmosphere was more intense now. Then a sound of metal trays hitting the floor happened, Jimin pushed JB onto the table.

They weren't punching each other, it was like they were just grappling. It didn't last very long, then Jimin took a few steps away from JB and he had JB's phone in his hand.

He had JB's phone in his right hand and whatever he took from me was in the other. He put them both side by side, after he did that it finally clicked into my mind. Oh shit, he found out...

"So, this is what you and Y/n been hiding?! This is why you guys are so close these days?! This is why she won't take me back?! All that because you guys are having a baby together?!" he finally spoke, he said it...all I heard was gasps coming from everyone.

I started tearing up, I looked around the cafeteria and people were staring at me. Then I saw Eunwoo at the entrance, we made eye contact. He looked angry and concerned, he was about to walk our way but I shook my head 'no'.

He stopped right away, I don't want him to get involved, I don't want him to get in anymore trouble. He is turning his life around and I don't want him to fuck that up.

I looked back to what was happening, "Yeah, we're having a baby together! What are you going to do about it?!" JB yelled. Jimin swung a punch at him and then JB speared Jimin onto the table next to us punching him repeatedly on the face.

Then Jimin managed to get on top of JB and started punching him. "Can you guys stop it!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, of course they won't listen to me.

Jackson was trying to get JB to stop, then Mark and Yugyeom came and helped him out. Same for Jimin, Jungkook and Namjoon came to stop Jimin.

It fell silent for a couple minutes, those couple minutes I heard people whispering.

'Wow, she had to sleep with her own best friend to get over Jimin?'
'She became a slut after Jimin left her for Jennie..'
'Just imagine what she does with Jackson too..'

I was listening to everyone, I didn't even know I was crying. "Shut the fuck up!!" JB's yelling snapped me out of it. He was yelling at everyone, everyone became silent.

Few seconds later the teachers and the principle walked in, "You two, in my office now!" he demanded. The principal, Jimin and Jaebum left the cafeteria, and all the teacher told everyone to get to class.

Jackson placed his hand on my shoulder and I looked at him, "I'll see you after school, I'll walk you home." I just nodded and wiped away my tears. Before I was going to go to my class, Jisoo stood in front of me.

I looked at her, I wasn't in the mood to deal with Jennie's friends right now. "Lets go for a walk at the school garden at break." she smiled.

It caught me by surprise! "O-o-okay?" I stuttered. "Great! I'll see you there!" she smiled and walked off.


Jisoo! ☺️

______________________________________________Jisoo! ☺️

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My Best Friend. | Im Jaebum. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now