Here Goes Nothing

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                           We all start quickly getting ready for bed with starving stomachs. All I ate today was a cereal bar. Anyways, i'm really scared about tomorrow. What if we can't find another place like this? Where are we going to find another mall as perfect as this one? I wonder what would happen if I died?

Would I just wake up back to my reality in 2014 or would I just simply die? I wonder what my body back in 2014 is doing. I wonder if i'm in a coma or if i'm even dead and this is my heaven. I really hope not. While i'm making my bed I notice Barry walking up to me. 

"Uh, hey!" he says awkwardly.

"Is everything okay?" I ask with suspicion. He stares at me, I think he doesn't know what to say.

"Can I sleep with you?" He spits it out. 

"Um, hell no!" I quickly take it the wrong way. 

"Sorry," We say at the same time. 

"I'd feel safer next to you. If that's okay. That did come out kind of wrong." He laughs at the end. 

"Yeah, that's fine! We just need to find a bigger bed!" I smile. We then walk a few beds down until we find the largest bed. We then grab some blankets and pillows. We both lay on the opposite sides of the bed. 

"Goodnight!" I shout to everyone. 

"Goodnight!" They all shout back. Maybe I should let them know i'm going to be sleeping with Barry. Before I can, I quickly fall asleep.


I feel tears streaming down my face. My heart is pounding fast. Fear goes through my body. I try to scream, but I can't. All I see around me is complete darkness.  I then hear growls coming from all around me. I start running. Where is everyone! While, i'm running I start to fall. I start to scream because i've fell down some sort of cliff. I scream and scream waiting to hit the bottom where I will reach my death. 

"Silver! Silver!" I hear someone shouting. "Silver, wakeup!" I open my eyes to Barry rocking me back and forth trying to wake me up. "Are you okay?" He says, still rocking me side to side. I notice how wet my face is. 

"I'm sorry, it was just a nightmare." I fake a laugh. 

"Don't be sorry." he gives me a tight hug and then lets me go. I then notice it's still dark outside.

"Do you know how long i've been asleep?" I question.

"Only about 20 minutes." 

"That's weird, I usually don't get nightmares." 

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asks, holding my hand.

"No, it was dumb." I say, but still shaking. I fear being alone in the dark. Especially, being surrounded by zombies! I shake my head trying to erase my dream.

"Okay, well we should get some rest." He smiles at me, making me feel a lot better just looking at his smile. 

"Okay." I smile back. He then grabs my face and wipes my tears with his thumbs. We stare at eachother for a good two seconds and then he smiles and returns to his opposite side of the bed. I lay back down and turn around. I shut my eyes again. All of a sudden, I start to hear growling. I sit back up quickly. "Barry," I whisper, "Do you hear that?"

"It is completely silent in here, Silver." He says sitting up again, looking at me confused.

"Are you sure?" I hear the growling getting louder. "It's getting louder!" I say, still whispering. "Can you hold me?" He scoots closer and we both lay back down. He wraps his arms around me, holding me close. The growling starts to slowly fade away. All the fear inside me disappears and is replaced with his warmth and his beating heart so close to mine. I let out  a deep breath. "So much better, thank you." I let out a sigh of relief. 

"Anytime," He pulls me even closer, "Anytime." he repeats. I then close my eyes and fall asleep. 


"What the hell?" I open my eyes up to Dylan pulling Barry on to the floor.

"What's wrong, man?" Barry says standing up. Dylan throws a punch, but Barry ducks in time. I quickly stand up standing in the middle of them.

"Stop! Dylan! What is wrong with you?" I yell at him.

"He was sleeping with you! Close too!" He says, still not taking his eyes off of Barry. 

"Because I asked him too! Calm down, Dylan!" he finally looks at me.

"You trust him?" Dylan looks at me crazy.

"What's that suppose to mean?" 

"He could turn back in to one of those things, you don't know if he's even fully cured or what he's even capable of!" he yells at me now.

"Don't, yell at her!" Barry steps infront of me. I let him because i'm hurt by Dylan. Anabelle then runs in.

"What is going on!" She asks looking at Dylan and Barry.

"Silver decided to sleep with Barry like a little whore." Dylan laughs. That's it. I break down crying, hurt by his words. 

"You don't even know the whole story! I had a nightmare last night and he was there for me! How dare you call me a whore for needing the feeling of safety?" I say through my tears.

Barry comes by me to put his hand around my shoulder. "Please, don't." I say nicely, trying to not hurt his feelings.

I then stand up and start running away from everybody. Still, tears running down my face. I run back up to the roof. I watch the sunrise.

"Why me!" I shout to the sky. "I'm done, I want to go back home! I can't be here anymore! I need my family! I want to be normal again!" I say with anger. "Laura! I know you can hear me! I need your help just about now!"  

"Silver," I hear my name from behind me. I turn around to see Dylan. I turn around quickly acting like I didn't see him. I wipe my tears quickly.

He then walks over to me and sits next to me. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you asked him to sleep with you. I thought he slept with you, without asking. And when I heard you were okay with it, I thought maybe you guys might have-" he pauses a moment, "Well you didn't. I'm sorry. You know you're not a whore. You're the complete opposite of a whore. I'm just a jerk."

"You're an asswhole." I correct him, and we both laugh. "This is your last chance. I'll forgive you, but if you yell at me and hurt me again, you won't be forgiven." I say sternly, staring in his eyes.

"That's fair." He nods. "Well, we have to head out now." He says standing up. He holds out his hand for me and I grab it while he pulls me up. 

"Well, let's get going. Today is going to be one hell of a day. Oh, did you apologize to Barry?"

"Yeah, we're cool." 

"Okay, good and cut him some slack. He's a really nice boy. We can trust him." He ignores me and we just keep walking back to where Anabelle and Barry are back at Lux.

When we get there Barry runs up to me hugging me. I love his hugs! They make me feel so much better so I don't resist it. We stand there hugging for no reason. I notice Dylan look away from the corner of my eyes. 

"I hate seeing you cry! I wanted to go after you so bad! Are you better now?" He smiles at me. I nod smiling at him. 

"Okay, okay. We need to get out of here!"  Anabelle interrupts.

"Alright," We all start walking back to the first floor. I take in the scenery of the mall that i'm probably never going to see again. We stand outside of the glass door, where you can see the outside. We all just stare outside, kind of scared yet determined to get out there. I do the honors of being the first one out. "Here goes nothing." I say openning up the doors.

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