Chapter One

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"beep! beep!" I quickly swipe my alarm clock so the noise will stop. I literally feel like a zombie. I'm too tired for this. It's 6 a.m. No  one should have to wake up this early! I just want to lay in my bed with my blankets and sleep forever. I know I can't though. Taking off the blankets is like jumping into a pool of ice water. So I run into the bathroom,  turn on some music to wake myself up, and then I start getting ready for the day. I do my makeup, jump into my jeans, and throw on a sweater. I also tried doing my makeup actually today since it's Friday. I go into my parents room and wakeup my dad to drive me to school. The rides are usually quick and quite since I don't talk to my dad that much and I live pretty close to the school. As I get out of the car i see my best friend, Crystal, "Hey wait up!" I shout to her. 

 "Oh hey! You look pretty today!" She smiles.

 "Thanks! You too of course!" I wink. We then start to walk to our first hour, Biology, which we have together. We sit across the room from eachother which sucks because we can't talk to eachother. All we do in this class is take notes. I hate it! When the class is over we say goodbye and go our separate ways. I go through my next 3 hours quickly. I just want today to be over with so I can go home and sleep. Finally, its 5th hour. Lunch! I am so hungry! I think my stomach was growling the whole entire time in study hall. Luckily, mostly everyone had their headphones in! Anyways, i head in to the lunch room and wait in the line. I wait about 5 minutes before i reach the cafeterias french fries and a bottle of juice. The french fries at my school are seriously my heaven.

Like honestly, Mc.Donalds has nothing on these fries! Never thought i'd ever say it, but it's so good! I just hate how their so fattening! Why is everything i love fattening? Anyways, i check out and find Crystal at our lunch table.

"Hey! Anything new?" I say as I sit next to Crystal.

"Nope. How about you? Have any visions lately?" Crystal asks. Crystal is actually the only person that listens to me when i talk about my visions and actually believes me! That's why she's my best friend. We've known eachother since elementary school! People even tell us we could be twins because we have the same personalitys and kind of look alike. We both have brown hair, Caramel eyes, and actually the same height which is 5'8. I mean we basically consider eachother sisters since we know eachother inside and out. 

               Anyways, i reply " No! i haven't had one in a full year! Do you think their actually gone?!"

               "Probably not!" 

              "Well this is the longest i've gone without a vision! I seriously hope their over with! I mean, it's just not normal! Normal people don't have visions! Why me?! I really hope their gone!" i exclaim.

              "Silver, I think you should be proud! I wish i could have something as unique as having visions!"

I change the subject and we talk about going to the mall or something over the weekend. I don't think she or anyone will understand how annoying the visions are. You have to be me to understand it. I wish i did know someone else with visions! I don't even know what I am. Am I a psychic? A weirdo? Am i actually crazy? I don't know! All i know is hopefully these things are gone for good! The rest of the day flys by and i'm finally in my 8th hour. Even though this is my worst hour, Speech class.

I absolutely dislike this class, but of course it's a requirement. I hate speeches! I'm not running for president or anything so why is this a requirement?! I don't even know anyone in this class. Which makes me going up infront of everyone a hundred times more awkward for me since everyone in the class has someone they atleast know. I know one person out of the entire class, but he ignores me and flirts with this girl I don't know. So I usually just don't talk to anyone. But the reason i really hate this class besides peeing my pants when i get behind the podium is Dylan. He's been my crush ever since i saw him freshman year.

He's kind of pale but he has diamond blue eyes and the perfect curly hair that only he could pull off. He is flawless! But i'm way too shy to even talk to him... When I see him I want to run away, so imagine how I feel when I get up for a speech. He usually doesn't pay attention to me anyway. But it still makes me want to faint when i'm up there. So i just act like I don't care when I go up. Today, were planning our next speech which is about a dream destination. Which sucks cause our teacher picks the destination for us... So how is it our dream destination? Of course i got a place i've never heard of. Honalulu, Hawaii. Where is that even? We do research the whole hour and i try not to stare at Dylan. I feel like  a creep, but honestly you would too if you'd seen him! When the bell rings i storm out of class and head outside in to my moms car.

She takes me out to eat and we head back home. When i get home I run into my room and hop into my bed. Then I take a nap. When I wakeup I feel more awake. So I turn on some music and start doing my homework so I don't have to worry about it over the weekend. While I was doing my homework i saw a ball of light. It was just floating around my room. I tried to scream, but it felt as if there was a hand over my mouth. The ball of light stops moving and then starts to form into a silhoette of a person and then the light just bursts and all i can see is white light. The white light was surrounding me. Where am i? What is this? This has never happened to me before. I try to move, but i can't.

                "Hello?" i shout. My voice echoes through the silence. I'm scared i don't know where i am or what this is. Then the ball of light floats infront of me again. It forms into a person again, but this time i can see its features. It's a girl with wings? She has a long white dress and long blonde hair. Her makeup is kind of weird too. She has gold eyeshadow and gold lipstick and gold designs on her arms and neck. I think their like tattoos. Im not sure, but It was beautiful actually. "Where am i?" I ask her.

 "We are in your head." She smiles.

"Who are you? That''s Crazy!" 

 "It is not crazy. My name is Laura, and i am your guardian angel. I am here to deliver a message to you." She says gravely and i feel a wave of fear go through my body as if i've ben shocked by lightning. Im not sure if i feel more scared or crazy!

"A message? A message from who?! I must be dreaming!" I laugh mostly out of nervousness.

 "God.... You are one of the chosen ones. You need to know that you are going to have a vision soon and it'll be different then the other ones you've had in the past. He knows you will do the right thing with information given forward."

"Wait...Who is the other chosen one? What information? What do you mean?" I say almost in a whisper because i am so shocked at what this girl is telling me.

"You have seen him before" She smiles and then everything goes black. I open my eyes and i'm back in my room with my music playing. I turn off the music and her words echo in head. Was that a dream or am i really going crazy? I'm crazy....Right?

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