Chapter Two

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                I wonder who this other messenger is.... I think she said this person's a guy.... and I don't know any of those! This sucks! Why am I one of the chosen ones? I never asked for this? I don't even know what to do! I wonder what i'm even chosen for! What could a 16 year old, shy and clumsy girl be chosen for. I honestly don't have a clue. Well maybe it was a dream. I mean....I hope it was a dream! I should call Crystal and tell her about this, but im scared she'll think im crazy. Hell! i think i'm crazy! I'll just keep this to myself for now i guess. Mayb i'll tell her on Monday. I run to my living room and start watching tv. I need to get this craziness out of my head...


                "Beep! Beep!"  These weekends go by way too fast,  I mumble to myself as I turn my alarm off. I get ready for school on this really nasty monday. Nasty? Yup, the weather is horrible! The sky is gray and the wind is horrible and it's half hot and cold. I just hope there's no tornados today! Tornados scare the hell out of me! I really just need to relax and settle down a bit. I've ben super paranoid lately. Especially after that visitation or dream or whatever that was! I feel like some weird creepo messenger boy is after me! If he's even real. Anyways, when i'm done getting dressed I take another quick yet awkward ride to school with my dad. I run into the school. Great. My hair's messed up now from the wind.'s getting really bad out there! I'm crossing my fingers for there not to be a tornado.

For the next 4 hours before lunch I keep thinking of whether I should tell Crystal about my dream or not....She's my best friend she wont judge me... or will she? I dont know. I honestly dont know what to even think anymore! I need to tell someone about this! I have to tell her! I walk in to my first hour and I try to avoid Crystal by making little to no conversation. I don't want her to think i'm mad at her... I'm just confused.


When the bell rings I head towards the lunch room. Im not hungry so i just sit at the table and wait for Crystal. When she arrives she already says, "Is something wrong?"

Am I that predictable?, "Um, yeah I have to tell you something that happened...or atleast I think something happened on Friday...Promise you will not laugh?" 

"Silver! you know me! Of course I won't laugh! I wont tell anyone a thing! Why didn't you call me earlier if this thing happened on friday?! We coulda' hung out or something! What did you even do all weekend? You didnt reply to my texts or anything? What happened!" She demands. I let out a sigh of relief. I'm so happy I have a caring friend like her.

"I know, I know! I didn't call you any earlier because i'm still trying to figure this thing out for myself! Trust me. I did nothing at all this weekend. I was too caught up in what i'm about to tell you!" I pause a couple seconds, "ready?"

"Ready." she says with her eyes wide open, ready to hear what I got to say.

"I had something really weird happen to me... I didn't have a vision.. It was different I had visitation I like to..-"

"Visitation? What the hell is that!" She already interrupts. I laugh and the continue.

"It was like a dream...I saw this flash of light flash before my eyes and all I saw was white surrounding me... Then this lady popped up and she was telling me all this mumbo jumbo!" 

"Like what?" She asks.

" i'm aparrently a chosen one.. and that god chose me to face this upcoming vision i'm going to be having because he thinks i'll know what to do with the information given forth. I have no idea what it is. She also told me she was my guardian angel and she even told me her name, Laura! I have to admit she was definitely beyond gorgeous! She totally looked like an angel...or like one of those  Victoria Secret ones atleast! She also told me....well this is kind of weird to believe, but she told me there's another one...another one of me." 

"What do you mean? You have a twin? Oh my god!" She gets a little too excited.

I laugh at her reaction, "No! By another me, I mean messenger."

"Oh! Maybe it's me! Since we're like twins and everything!" She exclaims.

"I totally wish that was the case. But she said this messenger is a dude."  I whine.

"Crap! What if he's cute!" She nudges me.

"I doubt it!" We joke around a bit. Then we just talk more in depth about my visitation. Before we knew it lunch is over. The next 2 hours go by quickly. But finally im in my eighth hour perioud atleast... i lay my head in my arms on my desk. Im tired and i finished all my research for this speech so i basically have alot of free time anyway, so why not take a nap. 5 minutes into my nap i feel a poking on my shoulder. i jump and turn around quickly. I feel super dumb when i turn around to see Dylan standing over my shoulder. I want to cry! I probably looked so dumb!

"Oh hey! Sorry. i didn't mean to...uh...startle you..." Dylan stares into my soul basically. He is so gorgeous. Talk Silver Talk! 

"Don't worry about it! i was just startled but i don't mind..." I try to smile confidently.

"Great...I just saw you and you looked bored over here and i hope you don't mind if i sit next to you?"

"Of course! Wheres your friend?" I answer a little to happily...but oh my god is this really happening!!!!

"He's at home sick... And i was getting really bored sitting over there by myself," he laughs at himself.

"Well it's okay, i really don't mind. I'm just a bit confused... because we've never talked before...Or even looked at eachother." I say in the nicest way possible.

"I have looked at you....Not in a creepy way! But i have... And i think you're really pretty actually... Uh.. im sorry. I must sound really creepy." He blushed a bit. Oh my god, i must be dreaming what is happening! He is gorgeous i can't believe he is telling me this. Am i getting punked? I mean this can't be reality! Honestly, if this is a dream...can i not wake up?! I can't believe he has noticed me before! He's really good at being sneaky! Because i've never caught even a glimpse of his eye contact!

"It's not creepy at all...I think you're really pretty actually too" i smile and we laugh together. 

"so um do you have -" His eyes roll to the back of his head and he starts to shake. I quickly begin to help him. 

"Dylan!" I scream. Then i feel a sharp pain in my back and i start to shake. I try to scream, but nothing is coming out. All i feel is like i'm being stabbed in my back and just being watched by a dozen of shocked eyes. I then start feeling blood drip from my eyes and then i finally fall on to the floor. 

It must be happening.....

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