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           We all basicly sat around the zombie silently for about an hour or two. None of us can think of a way to cure him. Were not doctors and were young! And im personally not that smart! I break the silence, "So does anyone have any ideas?" No one replies, they just look around. "Come on guys, we have to think of something before this thing wakes up. We dont know exactly what their capable of." 

"Yeah youre right, but i just have no clue!" Anabelle replies in a depressed tone.

"Well lets just try something basic.. like medicine?" Dylan adds.

"Well...i completely doubt that would work, but lets try it!" I mean i guess it wont hurt to try that. I just dont think it will work! I feel like were going to overdose the thing and then we would be back to where we started. I cant think of anything better so i just go with it. We all walk down to a store called Basics. It basically is a grocery store. "It stinks so bad!" I say plugging my nose.

"Well yeah most of this food is expired!" Annabelle says almost gagging herself. We all start searching for the medicine section of the store. 

"Found it!" Dylan yells. We all run towards his voice. "Just grab as much as you can and run back up. This smell is horrible!" We do as he says. I fill my arms up with as much different medicines as i could and sprinted back up to Lux. We all layed the medicines in a pile on top of one of  the beds. "How long has he even been asleep?"

"About 3 hours..." i answer. "Well what should we start with?" 

"No idea. Im going to examine his body." Dylan says while spectating the zombie carefully. "Lets start with fever medicine. His head is burning up!" I throw him the fever medicine bottle. He opens the lid and  pokes the zombies mouth open. Their teeth were so ugly and dirty. "Gross! his breathe smells like a rotting egg!" Dylan mumbles as he pours some of the liquid in to the zombies mouth. 

"Did he swallow itt?" I ask.

"Yup and now we wait til tomorrow to see if it worked!" 

"lets not get our hopes up though" Annabelle interrupts.

"wasnt planning on it." I reply.

"Im going to go shower or something." Annabelle smiles.

"Theres a shower in here?" i say happily because i could really use one too.

"no." She says walking away.

"Uhh okay then?" I laugh a little. I lay back on the bed i was sitting on and shut my eyes. I cant believe ive ben here for about 2 days. I dont even know what day it is anymore. I just want to go home. I miss mom, dad, and sister. Before i know it, i begin to cry. 

"Are you okay?" Dylan rushes over to me.

"No im not! Get away!" I say harshly, but since when does he care about me? I continue to cry and start running away. I run into a bathroom and shut the door. I sit there with my head on my arms and i continue to sob. "I want to go home!" I say out loud. I want to go home so bad yet i dont want to leave Annabelle! Shes my sister! I love her! I just dont know what to do anymore. The bathroom door opens, startling me.

"Hey, can we talk please?" Dylan says walking in. I wipe my tears and calm my breathing.

"Yeah, im sorry about before..." 

"Its okay i get it. I want to go home too." He says while sitting next to me.

"Why are you here?" The question escapes my mouth.

"What do you mean?"  

"Why are you here?" I repeat but i use my voice in a different tone. 

"I want to make sure youre okay." 

"Youve never cared about me!" I laugh. "And i know you dont now! I honestly dont know what youre doing to me! I know you dont like me! Hell! You have every girl at school tripping over you! So please dont play with me if-" 

"You like me?" He interrupts me.

"I dont know anymore!"

"You did?" 

"Yes and so did every other girl in school!" i reply getting more angry becaue hes acting like he doesnt know hes the hottest guy in school.

"I didnt know. You made no effort to talk to me!" He says getting a little angry himself.

"Why would i if i had no chance of ever being with you!" I yell at him, getting on my feet . He stares at me. As if i broke his heart. We stare at eachother speechless for about 2 seconds. I then sprint out the bathroom again. Not crying this time, but just angry! I wanted to punch something! While im running i feel a hand on my shoulder. 

"Wait!" I turn around and Dylan grabs my shoulders.

"Ive liked you ever since ive seen you in speech! I know i never letted it show! But thats because i thought you had no interest in me. Youre one of the girls that i admired! You never cared what anyone thought of you. When you got up for speeches, i always would think of how beautiful you are and how id do anything for you to even think of me. If i knew you liked me i would of done anything to be with you. So yes i liked you and still like you now!" He then kisses me. My heart sinks to the bottom of my chest. I then start to laugh. "What do you not like me?" He says taking a step back with fear in his eyes.

"No i do!" I say still laughing and then continue, "Its just, that felt like a romantic scene from a movie." 

He then laughs, "Well i feel like were in one! I feel like were soulmates" He blushes.

"Why do you say that?" I smile at him.

"Because were both messengers! It brought us together!" I smile at him and then hug him. Our hug is interrupted when we hear a loud scream. We start running towards the voice. The zombie must have woken up! I hope he hasnt escaped his bed!!!

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