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             We both instantly start sprinting towards the screaming. When we arrive we see the zombie in the bed trying to escape. He was very pissed off. I was a little disturbed from the zombies anger. Dylan went to go look for the sleeping pills. There is no way he is going to get the pills in to his mouth this time. The zombie keeps screaming and screaming my head started to hurt.

"Whats taking so long?!" I yell to Dylan.

"There gone! Im going to have to run down and get more! Ill be back!" He sprints away before i could even reply. So what am i suppose to do here with a zombie that wants to eat my brains? Matter of fact, where is Annabelle? I try to think of something to make the zombie stop screaming. I try to think of him as a crying baby...How would i make a crying baby stop crying...? I got it! A lullaby! I realized i suck at singing but its worth a shot. 

       I walk a little closer to the zombie and make dead on eye contact. He stops screaming and just grunts and moans. He examines my face as i examine his as well. Poor kid is all i can think. I wonder what he looked like when he was human... Anyways, i cough and i begin to sing an old lullaby my mom used to sing me to sleep when i was young.

"Dragon tales and the water is wide... PIrates sail and lost boys fly. Fish bite moon beams every night and i love you..." as im singing i notice hes stopped making any noise. He just stares at me without emotion. Yes it must be working! Maybe i can sing him to sleep so Dylan wont have to drug him up! I continue singing, "Godspeed little man...Sweet dreams little man...oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings. Godspeed....Sweet dreams." When i finish the chorus i notice the zombie is a little bit more sleepy. I smile to myself because i actually just basically put this zombie to sleep. I stand up and stare at him a while as he begins to fall asleep. And then i start to walk off to go find Dylan and Annabelle. As im turning to walk away i hear a voice behind me.

"Love" I jump. And turn around to see the zombie staring at me. I look around to see who was talking. It couldnt have been the zombie...Zombies cant talk!.... "Love" He repeats. His voice has so much pain and confusion behind it. I stand there starstruck staring at the poor guy. 

"You can talk?" I ask him. He stares at me with no response. He then closes his eyes and this time, falls asleep. 

I turn away and run as fast as i can to find Dylan and Annabelle. As im running i run into Dylan. We both fall on to the floor.

"Are you okay did he hurt you?!" He snaps.

"No...Hes asleep...I need to talk to you and Annabelle...Have you seen her?" 

"Asleep?? How?? He was just screaming like a maniac! And no i havent seen her actually." 

"Well thats what i need to talk to you guys about! Help me find her!" 

We then split up and i start screaming her name around the mall. I search in every store and every floor and there is still no sign of her. Where is she? I begin to panic. I run in to Dylan and he has seen no clue of her either. Shes not here! I run to the first floor and open the doors out of the mall and i scream her name outside, this time in tears. I run back inside to find Dylan again to tell him we have to find her out there. I run up to the top floor again and i see Dylan. He is with Annabelle this time. I run to her still in tears. 

"Annabelle! Where the hell were you!" I hug her tightly. Shes a little shocked to see me this way.

"Im sorry...I just needed some fresh air..." She says with guilt.

"Where did you go? Why didnt you tell me?" I say a little hurt. 

"I was on the roof of the building... Its beautiful up there. I was just exploring the mall when i found it! We should go up there sometime. Have a picnik! Id be perfect!" She smiles at me.

"Im sorry that sounds nice! maybe i was over reacting with the tears and stuff but i just dont want to lose you!" She hugs me and we exchange smiles.

"Okay anyways, i have something to tell you guys. You guys might even think im crazy." I begin to tell them.

"Silver...we would never think youre crazy...we are in this together...Tell us..." Dylan says holding my hand. I shut my eyes and take a deep breath.

"The zombie.... He talked." I just spit it out. They look at me emotionless. Yup...they think im crazy..

The MessengerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora