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        It's been three hours since Anabelle and Barry have been away. I wonder what's taking so long. Dylan took the information way better then I thought he would. We just don't know what to do because even though Barry is human, it didn't help us at all. We didn't figure out what cured him. So were basically back to square one. Our only hope is hoping maybe Barry knows what cured him. I look over at Dylan eating a bowl of cereal. 

"Do you think he'll remember what cured him?" I ask hopelessly.

"Well, we it's all we got. So we outta hope for it." He frowns. I look away chewing my cereal bar. 

"Do you think we should go look for them?" 

"Nah i'm sure their fine." He tells me. 

"Are we okay?" I ask him.

"What do you mean?"

"Things with me and you, their not the same. I just don't look at you the same way I did when we were back in speech class." 

"How do you look at me now?" Why does he look so confused? Am I being too harsh?

"I don't know. We should just stay friends though." I whisper unintentionally while putting my hand over his. He quickly pulls his hand away. "Dylan?" 

"Don't." He says in a monotone voice not yelling nor whispering. He stares down for about a minute. Then he looks back at me, with a tear streaming down his face. I stand up getting ready to hug him and tell him sorry. "I can't take being just friends. I can't walk around knowing we're not together. You want to know why?" 

I stare at him wide eyed, scared of his response, "Why?" I mumble out.

"I love you." He says while swiping his cereal bowl on to the floor. I watch it shatter in to a million tiny pieces. Before, I have time to process his words or even reply, he's already gone. 

"Ugh!"  I shout in to the air. How does he love me? We've only known eachother for awhile! I don't even know that much about him! I feel guilt going through my body. I then stand up and start running the way he went. I finally find him back at Lux. He's just laying on a bed with his hand on his forehead. "I'm sorry." I whisper.

"No, don't be. I over reacted. I fell for you too fast." He apologizes. I can't believe he's telling me this. A month ago I could never imagine hearing those words out of his mouth. I would have died to hear those words from his mouth. I just don't feel that way anymore. 

"How did I ever get Mr. Popular Dylan to fall for me." I laugh. He laughs too. 

"How you're so strong, brave, courageous, and how you don't care to wear makeup. And how you look so beautiful with out it." He says sitting up. I smile at him and I just hug him. We hug for a good minute. "If you want to be just friends, I respect that though. Just know, I will be fighting every second for the rest of my life to win your heart." 

"Aw!" I can't stop myself from "Awing". I then look away feeling incredibly bad that I don't feel the same for this boy. It's really sad too. He seems like he would be a great boyfriend. Maybe one day I will feel the same for him though. I then hear footsteps walking from behind me. I turn around to see Anabelle with Barry behind her. 

"Close your eyes!" She says happily. I do so. "You too Dylan!"

"Okay okay," He replies. 


I open my eyes to a whole new human being, obviously being Barry. He's so handsome! His shaggy brown hair gelled back, his old red eyes now a regular light shade of brown, and his smile. His smile made me feel a little bit of joy in my heart. He was also fit. Anabelle dressed him with some blue skinny jeans, and just a white muscle shirt. I could see his body through the white shirt though and he was definitely something! 

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