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                     My name is Silver Wellwood. I'm not your typical 16 year old teen. I'm a little different. I have visions. No, i'm not crazy.  It all started when I was 5. I had my first vision. They were unclear and I don't even remember what they were. They meant nothing to me at the age. They happened maybe once a month at the time. I've had them throughout my life. Visions still come to me, but now its more rare. The visions are usually little things like me seeing an A on my history test or seeing a place i've never been to. I've had a lot of Deja Vu  through out my life I guess you could say.

At first I thought I was day dreaming, but then the things I saw started to come true. I told my parents and my sister and they would all just tell me they were coincidences, but I know their not. I don't know why I have them. I'm 16 now and when they come to me I usually start to have a little head pain during the vision but that's it. They don't come to me as frequently anymore, but they start to get annoying after awhile so maybe it's a good thing.

I usually zone out when they happen. Which sucks because sometimes it's at the wrong time like when i'm  giving a speech in class or when i'm just having a normal conversation. When I do it infront of my best friend, Crystal, she tells me I look like i've seen a ghost. Atleast they usually last like 5 seconds long. Crystal says it's a gift, but i think of it as a curse! I mean it usually shows me pointless  stuff! I don't want to see me going shopping later or a surprise I wasn't suppose to know about! I could go without knowing that! It'd be cool if I saw something actually cool or mind-blowing like what I'll be like  when i'm 25. Not something i'm going to see 2 days later! 

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