an announcement

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"'"slippery' is a good description of the malfoy family. they fancy themselves leaders and can usually get away with it due to their money, influence, and brazenness, but ultimately, self-preservation always seems to trump loyalties or ideology." 
                                                                                                                                                   - harry potter lexicon


"A ball, students. The crowning jewel of the Hogwarts experience that occurs in a student's seventh year." McGonagall's lips were pursed as she surveyed the crowd of seventh years pointedly. "All manners and dancing must be practiced to perfection." Another glance, this time aimed at the boys. "A special trip to Hogsmeade will be used solely for the purpose of ordering attire." From the Gryffindor table, Ron Weasley let out a loud sigh of relief. Glancing at him disapprovingly, the Professor silently scanned the rest of the parchment hovering in front of her. "That would be all. Dismissed."

The Hall erupted into chatter. Astoria turned to Pansy to ask about her dress before remembering that the girl had slapped her. Sighing, she looked around for other options. Daphne was talking to Millicent. Blaise would be a valid option if he wasn't deep in conversation with Draco Malfoy.

And those were all her friends. One had slapped her, one was talking to a girl Draco was using to make Astoria jealous, one was talking to Draco, and one was Draco. She'd never realized how little her friend group was. Still, she'd never needed more friends. They'd all been tightly knit, constantly talking and helping each other. Now, The Group was fractured.

All because of Draco. If Draco hadn't been stupid enough to care for Astoria, Pansy wouldn't have slapped her. If Draco hadn't used Millicent to make Astoria jealous, Daphne would be approachable. If Draco hadn't been so damn smart - realizing that she was hosting the blood curse - maybe she'd still consider him a friend. Or at least someone she could talk to.

Sighing, she started to walk towards the huge oak doors that led out of the Great Hall. She stopped when she heard her name. Turning around, she found Hermione Granger walking up to her quickly, apparently having given Harry Potter and Ron Weasley the slip. "Everyone else is distracted. I need to tell you something." The determined girl didn't wait for an answer, grabbing the startled Slytherin's wrist and practically dragging her out of the Great Hall.

"What is this about?" Astoria panted as they raced down empty corridors and passed old classrooms. She didn't think she'd ever been in this section of the castle before.

"I did some research," the Gryffindor said as if those words were enough to convince her companion that what she was about to show her was important. "And what I found is really interesting. You see, there's only been one person to have ever gotten rid of the blood curse. I forget the name at the moment..." Astoria chuckled at this; she'd never known Hermione to forget anything. The other cleared her throat and continued. "He did it by getting someone else to take the curse on instead of him."

This took a moment to sink in. Finally, Astoria faced Hermione, eyes full of tears. How could she condemn someone else - and their ancestors for generations to come - to the same reality she was suffering through right now? She couldn't, not in good conscience. "I'm sorry, Hermione, but I-"

"I'm sure there are plenty of people who are willing to die for you, Astoria," Hermione whispered quietly. "I knew it was a long shot. I just - I had to let you know."

"Thank you," the other finally whispered. "I- I should get back to the Hall now." Then she ran, not caring exactly where she was going.

Hermione stood in the same spot. She'd been stupid, so stupid, for even thinking a good girl like Astoria would do that. She was utterly useless. She started to walk back to the Great Hall before a rustling of a cloak somewhere nearby stopped her. Drawing in a scared breath, she took out her wand. "Show yourself!" she commanded, her voice full of authority she didn't feel.

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