time regained

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"I've been holding onto it, barely resisting using it, even though I would sell my soul for another minute with astoria." 
                         - draco malfoy (cursed child)

It was dinner. Draco had left, saying goodbye to every member of the Slytherin table but Astoria. Pointedly avoiding her attempts at eye contact, he had marched out of the Great Hall, despite his teachers' protests.

He hadn't come back.

"What have you done?" Pansy hissed, looking at Astoria.

"I didn't mean to do anything! He was practically asking to be slapped in the face!" Astoria defended.

Blaise sighed and set down his fork. "I know mate, but he doesn't see it that way. You embarrassed him in the Great Hall, slapped him, and then didn't come crawling back with apologies. So he left, tail between his legs. And he'll never come back."

"I want my boyfriend back!" Pansy wailed, looking absolutely miserable.

"I'll do something," Astoria said quickly, looking around. Draco wanted her to apologize, so he must have left a way to contact him. "I'm going up to his dorm," she announced. "He must've left something, right?"

Her friends shrugged dejectedly, decidedly unconfident in her abilities. Sighing, she left the Great Hall.

Soon, she found herself in front of the 7th year boys' dormitories. She pushed on the door tentatively to discover that there was no one inside and there were no anti-girl charms anywhere. Quickly, she made her way over to Draco's bed, which was easy to spot since it was the only one without a trunk in front of it.

He'd left nothing. She searched for what must've been an hour, missing Potions, but there was nothing left to find. Sweaty and tired and deciding to skip the afternoon's classes and sleep instead, Astoria exited the boys' dormitory and entered the girls'. She flopped down on her bed and heard a small crunch.

Frowning, she looked under her pillow. Sure enough, there was a small object there that consisted of many overlapping oval shapes with an hourglass in the center. Unintelligible scrawl filled the side of the contraption, which was strung on a chain and seemed to be able to be worn as a necklace. Astoria gasped as she realized what she was holding.

A time turner.

A time turner.

She screamed - luckily there was no one around to hear her. Eagerly, she read the small note that had come with it.

You know what to do.

Small aside: You were wrong, as usual. I do care about you. 


Astoria stood in the middle of the Girls' Dormitory with the time turner around her neck. She was about to start turning the hourglass in the center when -

"Astoria!" Pansy and Blaise said as they burst into the Girls' Dormitory looking extremely relieved.

"What's in your hands?" Blaise asked, looking at the time turner suspiciously.

"It's a time turner. It's how Draco wanted me to get him back to Hogwarts - by not hitting him in the first place. I need to stop my past self."

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