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Yoongi Pov

I run as fast as I can to catch up with Namjoon , I see him ahead of me . I pounce on to Namjoon with full force , I bring my face I mine .

I look him in the eyes ,

"Namjoon don't be sorry !"

I push my lips roughly against Namjoon's , Namjoon flips me over . He grabs my butt to pull me closer . I put my hands on his waist , he bites my bottom lip . I let Namjoon in , he licks the roof of my mouth . We break apart , and get lost in each other's eyes .

"Yoongi why did you follow me ?"

"I don't know but I like it ."

"Me too ."

We start to kiss each other again , I go down Namjoon's neck and leave bruises . I start to tug his shirt off , until I hear a rustle . I look towards a bush , a little white rabbit hops out .

"Well that's lucky ."

"Maybe we should meet another time ?"

"Sure Namjoon ."

I kiss Namjoon deeply , before leaving to go back to my boring castle .

Namjoon Pov

All I can think about is Yoongi , I am starting to feel for Yoongi . I love everything about him , his deep red eyes and his black midnight hair . I can't forget about his skin . I have too meet him again , I feel so safe and happy .

"Namjoon ?"

"Yes ?"

I turn around to see my Mother .

"I just wanted to say that you have a date with Krystal today ."

"No Mom !"

"I am not marrying anyone that I don't love !"


"You will marry Krystal unless you show me a person you love !"

She slammed the door behind her , I am going to see Yoongi now !

Yoongi Pov

I sit staring through my window , at the beautiful landscape of Gardina

I sit staring through my window , at the beautiful landscape of  Gardina

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I hear a knock on my window , I stare outside to see Namjoon . I unlock the window , he steps inside and looks at me with steady eyes .

"Yoongi ?"

"Yes Namjoon ?

Namjoon grabs my wrist and pulls me towards his lips .

"So Yoongi you want to go on a date ?"

"Sure I would be delighted too."

Namjoon passionately kisses me , I start to go deeper but I restrain myself .

"So where do you want to go Yoongi ?"

"How about a surprise?"

"Sure ."

Authors notes

So this was a little bit short but there was a lot of lovey dovey moments . 😱😍❤️ thanks for 9 votes already and thanks for reading my story 😁

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