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Yoongi Pov

I am ready to attack , I have my pearly white fangs and my dark red eyes. Namjoon paws the ground , I dash towards him , stepping on a log then a huge jagged rock .

I pounce on him , he dodges and I land in mud . It ruins my outfit , "uhhh why" . Namjoon growls and pounces on me with full force , he bites my neck and after that I see nothing. All I see is a black nothingness , then light emerged . To reveal a black cat , all of a sudden a silver dog appears. Then there's a burst of red between them revealing a red heart. What does this mean ?

Namjoon Pov

I transform into my human form

I transform into my human form

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"Yoongi !"


I shake him roughly , I never meant this to happen . I never wanted to kill anybody , I don't hate Yoongi , I just envy him because he has dreams and talents . I have nothing but rich parents , and a wedding to a girl I haven't even met yet !

Salty tears start to roll down my cheek . Wind gusts in my face , making ugly tear stains on my pearly white skin .

I hear a person calling my name , I look down and Yoongi is awake in my hands . I stare at him , I start to admire everything about him . Yoongi's black midnight hair , two dark red eyes , that just lures you in . Finally his pale skin , it shines through the darkness of the night .

I have an urge to kiss him , but why do I have an urge ? Do I have feelings for him or do I just admire his features ?

I lean in and whisper in his ear

"Sorry for this ."

I lean in more and place my plump lips on his , I start to deepen the kiss . But I remember not to go to far , I unlatch my lips form Yoongi's . I turn from Yoongi and start to run , with all the my energy I run fast .

Yoongi Pov

What the fuck just happened ? And why did I like it ? Something about saying sorry and the ways his lips moved with mine , it just makes me melt . What is this feeling I have for Namjoon , I thought I hated him . Now I just feel love and happiness , all I can think about is Namjoon , about
Having more then just a kiss .

Sadly alas I have an arranged marriage with a girl I don't even know . Plus how could a Vampire fall in love with a Werewolf , it's Forbidden !

Authors Notes

I know this is short but I made all the lovey Dovey stuff in this chapter 😍 So I hope you like this story 😁 I may update it more than once a week because i really like how this is going and thanks for 6 votes already !

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