"Let go of me"I screamed as i began moving around the person's arms 

"Darling it's me Elijah calm down"The person said 

I stopped moving and turned so i was facing him i smiled and hugged him tightly as Caroline hugged Tyler, Bonnie hugged Jeremy and Elena hugged Matt 

"Thank god it was you guys in the cars and not Kelly and those guys"Caroline said as we all pulled away from our guys 

"Damon, Stefan,Klaus and Rebekah are away to where you guys were to deal with them"Jeremy replied back to her as he wrapped his arm around Bonnie waist pulling her closer to him 

"Let's get you girls home"Matt said as he grabbed Elena hand in his as they walked to Elijah's car Elijah grabbed my hand in his as we walked to his car as well Caroline, Tyler, Jeremy and Bonnie were going into Tyler's car 

Once we were all in the car Elijah and Tyler drove back to Mystic Falls which was half an hour away from where they picked us up from 

At the Mikaelson Manor

Elijah pulled up at the Manor, i quickly got out of the car and ran into the Manor and ran to the toilet i was feeling sick like i was about throw up i kept the door opened since i didn't care who walked past and saw me being sick i knelt down in front of the toilet seat and threw up into it i felt someone wrapping my hair around their hands as i was sick, after i was sick i turned my head and saw that it was Damon that was holding my hair i stood up and hugged him i don't care if i have sickness breath i just needed to hug him 

"Hey shhh i'm here Avery god i was so worried about you we all were but i'm glad your back and safe"Damon said to me as he pulled away from me and pulled me over to the sink 

I picked up the tooth brush and brushed my teeth once i was done i turned and looked at him leaving the sink on 

"Damon there is something i have to tell you"I said to him as he closed the toilet door knowing that it was personal 

"When i was kidnapped by Kelly last night there was a guy called Eric who is a hybrid he um raped me and this morning he wanted to do it again sometime and i feel like i have cheated on Elijah and i'm scared Damon"I said as i burst out crying 

Damon walked over to me and hugged me tightly 

"Avery you haven't cheated on Elijah you were raped there is a difference and Elijah would not see it like you have cheated on him but you have to tell him because if he find out he will be crushed that you didn't tell him yourself if you want i can go and get him"Damon said to me 

I nodded to him as we pulled away from each other and away he went i turned off the tap and walked to mine and Elijah bedroom to get changed out of my clothes and into new ones

Pic below is Avery clothes:Minus the earrings, watch and bag. 

Once i was ready i turned around and saw Elijah standing there he gave me a small smile as he walked over to me but before he did he closed the door behind him and sat down beside me on the bed 

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Once i was ready i turned around and saw Elijah standing there he gave me a small smile as he walked over to me but before he did he closed the door behind him and sat down beside me on the bed 

"Damon told me that you wanted to see me he also added on that it was important"Elijah said to me 

I nodded to him as he took my hand in his looking at me 

"I um when Kelly kidnapped us we were all knocked up so when we woke up Kelly came into the room and um took me away from the girls to the living room to find a guy called Eric who is a hybrid by the way and he took me to this room and he started kissing my neck..."I cut myself off as tears were filling my eyes i hate doing this sorry saying this to Elijah it hurt me so much and i could tell that he was waiting for me to continue before saying anything 

"He raped me Elijah i was raped by him and i told Damon that i was scared and i still am Elijah what if he comes back to do it again"I added on 

Elijah didn't say anything to me which scared me 

"He won't get anywhere near you now let's lay down on the bed and just cuddle till dinner is ready since i want to put this week behind me"Elijah said as he stood up and took off his jacket and threw it to the chair that was in the room 

I smiled and laid down on the bed as Elijah did the same he wrapped his arms around me as i did the same to him before i knew i closed my eyes and fell asleep in his arms as he did the same thing

I'm glad Elijah, Matt, Jeremy and Tyler found us and just in time too.

Chapter 25 on way.

Avery Saltzman (Elijah Mikaelson love story)Where stories live. Discover now