Chapter 34 To be a queen

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Ariane quietly worked next to Vara, placing food in baskets and overseeing the loading of the carts. She bit her lip and glanced at her sister-in-law. "I'm sorry about lord Hector," she said hesitantly, "he would have made a good husband."

"He will still make a good husband," Vara answered, "just not for me. He is a good man, but he wanted to keep me in a glass case. We wouldn't have made each other happy."

For a while Ariane didn't reply. She thought about her own situation. Would she ever be able to make her own husband happy? She wasn't even sure what would make him happy. Zara's words ran through her head again.

"He loves another woman."

Cyrus hadn't been happy to find her in Sylice, but he hadn't been angry. He had told her there was no use in denying it had been Vara's plan to go to the village, that she was stubborn like that. He had also told her to not indulge Vara next time there was danger involved. He had promised her father and her brother to keep her safe. It had made her happy that he was concerned for her. It must mean he cared. Even now, thinking back on it, she could feel her cheeks heat up. "I hope you will marry well," she told Vara softly.

"Yes," Vara smiled sadly, "I hope so too." She filled the last basket and handed it to a servant. They had ended things friendly after speaking with the Strega family, explaining she wouldn't be a good match for Hector. They had been more understanding than she had expected. She had feared their reaction. After all, they were related to the house Aurelios.
King Marcos had been disappointed, but had not been angry. She had two other suitors. Perhaps one of them would be the one.

"You did well in the village," Vara said.

Ariane looked down. "I didn't do much of anything," she admitted.

"You sat with that woman," Vara replied, "it helped her. Sometimes it doesn't take much to comfort someone. I couldn't do much myself. I might be able to wield a bow, but I could never stand up against a raider from Balor. That is why we have soldier who are trained for battle. But I can bandage an injured child. Sometimes that is enough."

Ariane shook her head. "I am not strong like you."

Vara smiled. "There are different kinds of strength. You just need to find yours."


It was the first time Torcan had ever seen Darius uncomfortable. Lavos was so different from home, or even Zeir, that the prince didn't seem to know how to portrait himself. Dinner had been awkward, with the king asking him many personal questions, including asking after his first wife Zara, while all the Lavos daughters were present.

Then king Elon's oldest daughter, princess Eloni, had started asking questions. She had wanted to know what he was looking for in his next wife and why he chose Lavos.

Darius of course was not used to a woman being so direct, so the conversation had been strained.

Now, the family had seated themselves on recliners all across the room and Darius had joined them with Torcan posing as his guard.

Torcan moved his eyes around the room and hid his amusement. If one didn't know any better, you'd never think this a royal family. Princess Eloni was sharing a couch with Byron who was leaning back with outstretched legs. His usual smirk seemed even wider than normal.

The princesses Eloise and Elora were upholding polite conversation, though the two had completely different personalities. Eloise was very poised and correct while her sister had a certain playfulness to her.

In a corner of the room, princess Elvira had retreated and was ignoring everyone else in the room. She had a recliner all to herself and had pulled up her legs while reading intensely in the bookroll Byron had brought for her. She seemed completely absorbed in its content.

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