Chapter 4 - School

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Marinette P.O.V
"Here you go Lucy, your luggage from Earthland!" Loke gave Lucy her pink suitcase with her things neatly packed inside. Tikki was currently downstairs attempting to bake more cookies for her never-ending cookie stash.
"Thanks Loke! Tell everyone at the guild that I'm fine and that I really miss them." Lucy smiled brightly.
"Your can tell them yourself, here take this." Loke gave Lucy a transparent blue sphere looking object.
"I-Is that a LACRIMA?!?!" Lucy shouted loudly in what I presumed to be surprise and pure joy. "Does this even work between dimensions?'
"Only one way to find out. Good bye Lucy, Marinette."
"See you later, Loke and thanks!"
"See you!!" I quickly managed to say before he disappeared into golden dust.

Lucy stared at the lacrima(?) for another 5 minutes, I'm guessing it's some sort of communication device from her reaction. But how it works, I can only find that out later after school.
"C'mon Lucy, you need to get changed and go to school!" I waved my hands in front of her face to bring her back to reality. I saw her crashing back down and saw realisation drown on her face.
"You're right Marinette!!" Lucy quickly ran to her suitcase and got out a pink tank top, dark blue skirt and a grey belt. to get out a pink top with a dark blue skirt and a grey belt. She rummaged more in her suitcase and got out long pink scandals. Lucy sprinted to the bathroom and quickly got dressed. She crossed her arms under her chest and sighed

"I was really hoping to test out that lacrima now, why does school have to start so early?"
"I ask myself the same thing everyday." I sighed too, I wish school could have started later, with all the Ladybug stuff it's hard not to get sleep deprived and some people really need their sleep.
"What's all these posters? This blonde guy is on all of them, who is he?" Lucy leaned forward to study the image better and then she gasped in surprise. "Wow." She mumbled. Did she see him somewhere on the way to my place? I removed the thought from my head when I saw her staring at me for an answer, I cleared my throat before I replied to her.   
"T-thats my crush, his name is Adrien Agreste. He's a model and goes to my school and is the son of my favourite fashion designer. I'm pretty sure he likes Ladybug which is pure irony. But I don't like him for what I said before about him being a model and all! I like him for different reasons!" I waved my hands frantically across my face because of course that would make me look more innocent but instead I probably look like I'm lying thorough my teeth, but I'm not!.
"Then why do you like him?" Lucy asked while she raised an eyebrow and trying to subtly refrain from laughing, but I'm guessing Lucy isn't very good at subtle considering the amount of giggles from her. 
"Are you laughing at me Lucy, is my situation really that funny?" My eyes fell downcast, I felt like crying. I can't believe Lucy would just to laugh at me about my feelings. I guess it sort of made sense since we haven't even known each other for more than a day.
"Marinette, I'm not laughing at you but at the situation."
"Situation?" I asked. What does she mean by that?
"You're in a love triangle! Or a square but same thing! You love Adrien, Adrien likes Ladybug. While Cat Noir also loves Ladybug but is still very protective over Marinette. It's very romantic" Lucy explained. "it's like something from a t.v drama"
"When you say it like that, I guess it's sort of is funny." I laughed out all the betrayal I felt for Lucy. I really need to stop jumping to conclusions, it's becoming a habit and it's really bad.
"You still didn't answer my question," Lucy smirked "what do you like about Adrien?" 
"Well when we first met, I thought he put used gum on my seat and it turned out he was just trying to take it off. He came up to me after school and apologised it was really sweet of him, since he didn't have to do that and I ended up falling for him." I smiled and blushed at the memory.
"Oh, that's so sweet and romantic." Lucy smiled gently.
"Yeah..." I said and also smiled and thought about all the times we spent with each other.

"Oh well, might as well get to school. What will I need Marinette?" Lucy asked.
"Maybe a pencil case, phone and money. I suppose you can bring a bag for the textbooks they'll supply you for at school and maybe a spare bag for your personal items." 
"Okay, let me see if I have anything like that." Lucy went back to her suitcase and screamed in delight. "LOKE BROUGHT ME A FLIGHT PEN, YAY!!!"
"Lucy, do you always have to be so loud? And what's a flight pen?" I asked and removed my hands that blocked my ears to hear her better.
"Wow Lucy your, really loud in the mornings." Tikki came back from baking and I giggled at how much bigger her stash had grown.
"Sorry Tikki, Mari. I suppose I have big lungs. Anyway, a flight pen is basically a magic pen that can write in the air, see." Lucy quickly did a demonstration of a drawing of a chocolate-chip cookie.
"Wow, so cool" I stared at the flight pen in absolute wonder. Magic is really amazing to be able to put it in everyday items.
"Amazing." Tikki looked at the flight pen the same way but with her mouth full of cookies.
"Okay, so do I bring this pen to school?" Lucy asked while playing with the pen.
"No, magic is probably a bad idea. It might get stolen or worse since nobody except for you is probably used to magic." I stared at her strictly.
"But, I can still use magic and magical objects around you, Tikki and Cat Noir right?"
"Yeah, since we know about magic. And technically our miraculouses are magic."
"I should probably supply you with the school equipment, do you have a non-magical bag?"
"Yep, see!" Lucy pulled out a backpack from her suitcase. "But, no matter what you say I'm bringing my celestial gate keys. It kinda goes against my own personal rule if I don't. Like how you always have Tikki with you, since I'm a holder type wizard" Lucy said.
"It's okay, I completely understand just don't use them, okay? If there is an akuma attack stay hidden and only help if I ask you to and only from the sidelines, ok?' I requested.
"Ok, I hope I won't become a nuisance."
"Don't worry, you won't Lucy. You and Marinette will have fun together I promise. This is a once in a life time opportunity, isn't it? When will you ever be able to come back here again?" Tikki floated in front of Lucy's head.
"Thanks Tikki!" Lucy grinned widely.
"Okay, time for school!" I smiled broadly today is going to be a good day.

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