Chapter 3 - Marinette Dupain-Cheng

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Lucy P.O.V
"Hiya I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Ladybug explained everything to me including that you can use magic! I mean MAGIC!!!!! How cool is that!! By the way my mother's name is Sabine and my father's is Tom. We own a bakery that makes the best bread in Paris. My parents allowed you to stay, so feel free to make yourself comfortable!" A girl with bluebell eyes and dark hair greeted me. (Refer to media). But I couldn't help it so, I sighed deeply. 

"Seriously Ladybug? Acting? I thought we were past that, considering the situation we are in." I sighed again, deeper this time and longer. "But if I were you, I wouldn't trust me too."
"What the- How did you-?" I cut her off, not letting her finish her sentence.  
"Know? I forgot to mention I can sense magical energy. I can feel it from you earrings and a location that is closely behind me. I'm guessing that the other energy source is your kwami?"
"Wow, that's so cool! And yeah, that's my kwami Tikki. Come on out Tikki." She waved her hand in a encouraging gesture and I saw, a small little creature fly in front of me. This 'Tikki' has red skin, black-pokka dots, antennas and a small tail to complete the adorably cute look. 

"Hi Lucy, it's great to meet you! I hope we can get along with the time we are with each other!" She happily giggled while eating a chocolate chip cookie. Then sat down on the table, eating another cookie.
"Tikki, you are so cute!! Oh and" I turn my head to Marinette/Ladybug "Am I suppose to call you Marinette or Ladybug?" I asked I really want to know which one she prefers being called.
"While I'm in civilian form call me Marinette or Mari if you want, only when I'm transformed call me Ladybug."
"Ok, then Mari, what do we do now?" I said trying to get used to the new name.
"I guess we can make you attend school."

"School." I stared blankly at her, what does she mean by school "Oh!" Then it hit me "The thing that Anna is doing!"
"Haven't you been to school before?"
"I was given 'proper education away from bad influences' according to my father."
"Wait a second. Anna, isn't she the person who sent you here!"

"No that's Anne RUVE, not Anna HEARTFILIA. Anna is my ancestor, we are able to be on the same time because she came through the eclipse gate. The eclipse gate is a form of black magic that's forbidden to use because it connects timelines. When she was from, that wasn't the case, she was able to use it to come to my time with 5 dragon slayers. She opened the eclipse gate the same time my mother did and and cost my mother her l-life." I sniffled a bit.

"I'm really sorry to hear that. But what's a dragon slayer?"
"Exactly what it sounds like, a person that slays dragons. It's a form of lost magic, they learn the art of dragon slaying, by a dragon. I know, sounds weird. This is because there was a war going on between dragons 400 years ago. The war was about living with humans or to eat them. The dragons who chose to live with them taught dragon slayer magic to humans so they could slay the dragons in the war. But unfortunately a human named Acnologia killed the dragon who taught him magic and bathed in dragon blood. He killed many dragons and eventually turned into a dragon himself, earning him the name the dragon king. After the war, 5 dragons taught this art to 5 human orphan children so they could go to the future."
"Wow, complex, but wow. Wait there were dragons in your world!?"
"Yep and demons too."
"Demons!! What happened to Acnologia!?"
"We killed him."
"He did have it coming but isn't that kinda cold blooded?"

"Nope, he definitely had it coming. We were stuck in time for seven years because of him. And during that time everyone in our guild were worried sick about us, they thought we died. During that time we were sealed away, my father h-he died. Even though he was cold to me he started to open up once he lost his estate. But I'm kinda mad at myself still, for not being that sad when he died."
"Why's that?"
"Because I ran away from our mansion at 16."
"Yeah, he was filthy rich. I did mention him losing his estate." I laughed bitterly a bit. "He was so obsessed with his money, that after my mother died he arranged a marriage for me. And the reason wasn't for my happiness or anything, it was just to expand his company! Sure, money and having an estate that's basically the size of a city is nice and all, but money can't buy happiness or love."

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