The man on valet stared at Mom and I with his mouth agape and a flush blossoming across his neck. Mom sighed with exasperation and gave him the car ticket without bothering to apologise for my behaviour. Or forcing me to apologise. We were long past that point.

I had a feeling that the wait might have been awkward for the valet who hadn't gone to get our car. The three of us stood in silence and I could tell that Mom was hoping that another car would pull up and need the young man's car parking services, relieving her of the tension that she was feeling. I could never understand why she valued the opinion of strangers so much.

When we got in the car, Mom pulled out of the lot and exhaled with an undertone of disappointment and mild stress. "What should we do now? Should I call around and see what isn't booked up for the night?"

"Pass," I waved a dismissive hand. "I'm down for McDonalds fries and a McChicken."

Mom turned to me for a moment, mouth open, disappointment evident. "McDonalds? Leonie, we're meant to be going out for a nice dinner together."

"We'll still be together," I shrugged. "And although I think that the fact that you like Fillet - O - Fish burgers is diabolical, I'll allow it for tonight."

"What's wrong with Fillet - O - Fish burgers?"

"It's fish," I gagged. "Fish belongs in the same food group as coffee and almonds. Unless the almonds are covered in chocolate. Then I'm down."

The giant yellow M came into view as we drove down the road. It was tucked in beside the Mobil gas station and a Dunkin Donuts. Mhmm dessert after dinner. Perfect. Before Mom could even consider driving past, I leaned over and flicked her indicator on so that she had no other choice, but to pull in.

"Leonie," she snapped and gave my wrist a slap. It just missed and I laughed as she panicked and pulled into the drive. The roads weren't chaotic and she hadn't made an illegal move so I grinned as she guided the car through the lot. "Fine. We'll go through the drive thru."

"Na," I argued, pointing at a space. "We're going in. Remember, we came out to dine together? McDonalds is a restaurant."

"We're not dressed for it," she wailed as she killed the engine. The lot wasn't packed. There were more cars going through the drive thru than there were in parking spaces. So I figured that meant it wouldn't be hectic inside.

"Mom, I've seen girls in this McDonalds with their ass cheeks falling out of their dresses and their tits so far out of their boob tubes that they were one slip from being a free the nipple campaign. I think if they can get served, we'll be just fine."

She grumbled as we hopped out of the car and met up at the tail end. "I meant over dressed," she slipped her handbag over her shoulder, her heels click clacked on the pavement. "We look ridiculous."

"Bitch, I look fabulous."

"Don't call me that!"

I scoffed with an eyeroll, holding the door open so that she could walk her nervous ass inside. "I was being sassy, Mom. It was a figure of speech."

The line wasn't long. There were a few tables that were occupied with people around the same ages as me. Perhaps a bit older. The aroma of deep fried potatoes was mouthwatering and I ignored the curious stares from the staff as we stood in front of the counter. Mom was attempting to read the menu but her gaze kept drifting to the occupants of the establishment. She was so wound up.

"Hey," I said to the tall boy in his McDonalds cap and headset. I could never understand how the staff here were so good at multitasking. If I had to listen to a headset, serve food and take the counter, I would have a brain malfunction. "Can we get a Fillet-O-Fish combo with a frozen coke. Same drink for a McChicken combo. An extra serving of fries. A hot apple pie and two cheeseburgers."

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