Chapter 13: Catching Feelings

Start from the beginning

"He doesn't do relationships or feelings so keep that in mind." Kept replaying in my head from when Niki warned me about him.

I should've listened. I knew he didn't do feelings so why did I think I would be any different to him?

The worst part is, I think I started to catch feelings.


I don't know why I did that. I didn't want her to leave me yet so I got angry. I'm such an asshole. The way she looked at me was so cold and hurt. I fucked up.

I actually like having her around me. She makes me smile and feel alive, which is a feeling I haven't felt in a long time. I don't just want sex from her, although it would be a plus.

Shit. I think I might like her.

I'm Blackbear, I don't get feelings. I fuck em and leave em. What the fuck is going on? I need to figure myself out and fix this.


I walked into our apartment and sighed in relief. I am happy to be home and forget about this whole trip.

I dragged my bags into my room and collapsed on my bed. I pulled out my phone and saw no notifications. I was stupid to think he would text me an explanation.

I pulled up Instagram and promoted Bear video like he asked me to, even though he doesn't deserve it.

via instagram

1,233 likesgabi double music video coming soon w/ @iamblackbear Veiw all 26 commentsslut4blackbear omg are you guys DATING???

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gabi double music video coming soon w/ @iamblackbear
Veiw all 26 comments
slut4blackbear omg are you guys DATING???

I threw my phone next to me after posting and immediately started getting likes and many comments asking if Blackbear and I were dating. Then I sank down into my bed. I didn't want to move. I didn't want to do anything. I just buried myself under my blankets and eventually fell asleep.


"Gabi! Wake up!" Niki shouted as she shook me.

"What?" I grumbled as I pulled the blankets over my head.

"Blackbear posted the music video, it's out." She said hesitantly, knowing I probably won't be happy about this.

"What? Already?!" I shouted and sat up, immediately grabbing my phone.

"Go to his Twitter."

I opened my phone and went onto my Twitter. I typed his name into my search bar and clicked on the name I didn't want to see ever again.

I looked at his most recent tweet. It said "Double music video is OUT! Go check it out NOW!!!" and had the link to the Youtube video attatched.

I clicked on the video and watched as it displayed him and I holding hands.

While watching I saw some scenes in it were not scripted and they just recorded him and I laughing together and having fun. I have to admit we looked cute in it, which made my blood boil and my stomach turn at the same time.

I set my phone down once it was over and slumped back down into bed.

"It's really good, Gab." Niki said sitting down on the bed.

"I know." I said sadly.

"Are you sure you don't wanna talk?"

"Talk about what? About how you were right the whole time? That he just didn't give a shit about me at all?" I said in a quiet disappointed tone.

"Gab, I know what I might've said, but the way he looked at you and was drawn to you shows that he did care. Just maybe he won't except the fact that he might actually have feelings?" She tried to reassure me.

"It's fine. I don't need lied to. I'm just gonna go to bed and when I wake up it'll be like none of this ever happened." I said pulling the blankets back over me.

"Okay. Let me know if you need anything." She said getting up.

"Oh and Gab, he's answering fans questions on his Twitter about the video, if you want to look."

Then she left.

I slid my arm back out to grab my phone and opened it, which it was still on his Twitter page. I looked through the tweets and they were all irrelevant until I found this one.

"Who's the girl in the video? You guys seem so happy together!!!"

He quote tweeted it.

"We could've been."


I love when you guys comment throughout my story and react its so cute😭😭😭

Do you guys want her to call him Bear or Mat ?????

my bad luv // blackbearWhere stories live. Discover now