Chapter 37: High

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From Gab: Please talk to me....
Seen Saturday at 10:12 a.m.

From Gab: Bear?
Seen Saturday at 6:45 p.m.

From Gab: I'm so sorry!!!
Seen Saturday at 11:59 p.m.

From Gab: Can we please talk?
                           Seen Sunday at 2:06 p.m.

After a long weekend of ignoring Gabi, I think she finally gave up on trying to get a hold of me. I don't know what I want right now. I'm not ready to lose her, but she made me look like a fool and I don't fuck with that.

I hate to admit, it but she hurt me. I never thought some girl would ever effect me so much. Hell, I never thought I'd be in love.

I pulled up Twitter to get her off my mind and began to scroll through tweets.


After a long weekend of being locked in my room it was finally Monday, which meant work.

I groaned at the thought of getting out of bed for the first time since Friday.

I decided I should shower since I hadn't in a few days. Maybe I can shower some of the sadness away?

After I got out of the shower I sat in my bed with a towel wrapped around my damp body while I went on my phone.

I was hoping to see a text from Bear, but nothing. I have tried getting a hold of him all weekend, but he has just read every text. I decided I would have to let him come to me, which hopefully he will. I'm not prepared to lose him.

I went on Twitter and saw he tweeted. Just the sight of his name made my stomach do somersaults.

A frown formed on my face as I read the tweet.

"everyone will hurt u eventually
u just choose the ones that hurt u"

I decided to tweet as well since he is going to take this publicly.

"I fall in love the more you ignore me."

I then set my phone down and proceeded to get ready.

To Cameron: About to leave, be there in 20.

I hopped in my car and put on some upbeat music to help cheer me up so I'm not a debby downer today.


As I was in the studio, trying to put my feelings into a song, I decided to take a break. I checked my phone. No notifications.

I began going through socials as usual and saw something that made my blood boil.

via Gabcakes Snapchat

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