Chapter seventeen

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Summer Camp with... One Direction

AN/ sorry for not posting I was on a school trip. Also happy late B-Day Abi!!!!! May we read.

Day two

Abi's P.O.V.

"Bye girlie!!!" We all waved Camden out of the cabin with Niall.

"What should we do now?" I asked.

"What about pranking them back!" Reilly suggested.

"I'll go get my prank box!" Anna ran and pulled a huge black box out of her also black box.

"Let's plan," Hanna said and we all huddled around and formed a plan. Then we waited for them to leave there cabin.

Zayn's P.O.V.

"Want to go play football(soccer)?" Louis asked.

"Let's go," we walked out the door and to the fields we found earlier. We dragged up to goals and began to play two on two. Me and Haz were one team and Liam and Louis the other.

"Can we join?" We heard after playing for a while. I turned around and found the girls Abi directly in front of me. I smiled slightly.

"Why not?" Liam answered.

"Girls versus guys!" Isabella insisted. I ran towards the lads.

"We are so much better than a bunch of girls!!!" Harry joked.

"We'll see about that," they smirked.

Twenty minutes later the game was over and the girls had won twelve to ten.

"How did you you do that?" I asked sitting on the grass.

"I may have forgotten to mention that I'm on the junior Olympic soccer team," Reilly said smugly.

"And my team won nationals this year," Hanna added.

"Okayyy. Now should we go eat?" I said as the lunch bell rang.

"Yeh we should," we all ran to the mess hall and sat down just as Collin walked out of his cabin.

AN/ sorry it's short I had to make you wait on the date right? Sorry bout it. Thursday and Friday I went on a field trip that had a five hour ride there. On the way back we broke down and popped a tire. Yay! I'm cursed.

Vote comment break down a bus with me


Summer camp with... One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now