Chapter fourteen

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AN/ meow I want food. Onward to the chapter!

Abi's P.O.V.

"Ok parties over get back to your cabins," Collin ordered.

"Uhhh," everyone complained.

It had been such a fun night. We had danced and talked for hours. It was currently midnight. We walked back slowly while talking about the night. When we finally got back we all took showers and then got on our beds and talked more about the day.

"Did y'all enjoy your first day?" Reilly asked.

"Yes"chorused around the room.

The entire time we talked Camden remained oddly quiet.

"What's wrong Camden?" I asked

"Niall asked me out," Camden said blushing.

"Did you say yes?" Hanna asked.

She nodded her head slowly.

Zayn's P.O.V.

I had had the best night me and Abi had chatted and we danced for ages. When we got back all the lads got on there beds planning to take a shower in the morning.

"So what happened Niall I saw you two," Liam questioned.

"Me and Camden are dating," he was turning red and looking at the ground.

"Good job mate," Harry said.

"She sure is pretty but I've got someone else in mind," Liam confessed.

"Who?" Louis asked.

"Anna," he stated simply.

"You do know you are complete opposites right. I've heard she's notorious for pranks," I said.

"Opposites attract," Liam shrugged," it's late now go to bed."

"What did I say opposites," I added before drifting of to sleep.

AN/ my throat still hurts.

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