3 - what she did next

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A/N: no idea what this even is but here have it

She picked herself back up. She reached down and grabbed her shattered pride, allowing it to cut her only once. She picked up her heart, bruised and confused laying at her feet. She picked up the little bit of sanity she had left. She tucked them safely into her pocket.

She straightened her shoulders. She took a deep breath. She refused to let herself look over her shoulder at the life she was leaving behind. She stared ahead, down a path darkened by the clouds of loneliness. She balled her hands into fists at her sides and closed her eyes, taking in another deep breath.

She was lost. So completely and utterly lost and confused about where to go next. She knew of things she wanted to do, but now it was a matter of doing them. Now it was a matter of getting used to a new routine, which she already knew was going to hurt. Now it was a matter of silencing the voice telling her she was wrong, and listening to those telling her everything will be alright.

She slowly took the first step into her new life, being sure to step on solid ground, but she wasn't sure if she would ever find solid ground again. Not now, but possibly soon.

She told herself to never give up. And she told herself that eventually, everything will fall into place. It might not make sense right now, but one day it will.

She repeated a quote she read the other day, over and over again in her head, "God doesn't close one door without opening another."

She started walking faster. Headstrong and scared, she walked forward.

Everything will be so good so soon, so just hold on and don't worry about it too much.

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