{23} Googliness!

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3rd Person POV

Sal said to them, "Listen, guys, we've always done things the same way. Yellow pages, flyers, San Jose Mercury News."

Billy responded, "We're all creatures of habit, Sal. We all like what we know, no question. But you know what the scariest thing in life 'is'? The thing in life that frightens us the most? Change."

"I think most people are set in their ways. I know I need change to come along. And kick me in the ass to get me moving." Nick added

Sal said to them, "Guys, I know where you're going. But I'm not changing anything. Like I told your friends, we're getting by okay."

Billy replied, "Sal if you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them. You're getting by okay. Okay isn't good. Okay isn't great, or fantastic."

Nick added, "I'm starting to think, he's selfish! I don't want to get sideways with you. You're as big as a barn! But you're an artist, okay! This is great pizza! Picasso with Pepperoni!"

"And don't get me started on the sauce. Is there nutmeg in there? I respect that you don't want to divulge, but if I'm right don't say anything." Billy said and Sal was silent in response

"Exactly! There's your answer!" Billy said to them. "All I'm saying is, why should Papa John's make all the dough when Papa Sal's has the better sauce."

"You starting to sound like him. He wants to open a Sal's in Los Gatos." Sal argued and Frankie said, "The big chains are killing us. We barely stay afloat."

Sal said to them, "When you franchise, you lose quality. You lose the taste, people trust. You wanna know why my sauce is better? I'll tell you why. I go to the farmer's market every day. I buy tomatoes, get the basil, the oregano. But, guys, I know these people. I'm part of the fabric of this neighborhood. That's good enough for me."

"Sal, that's better than good enough. That's the best. We're not suggesting you abandon your neighborhood. All we're saying is what if your neighborhood got a little bit bigger?" Billy asked

Nick added scrolling down on his tablet, "Take a look at this, Sal. These are all people who love your pizza."

"Talk about word of mouth, huh?" Neha asked and Stuart added, "Yeah, they're talking about you, Sal. Don't you want to talk back to them?"

Lyle said showing his laptop screen, "Did you know that there are almost as many people from Los Gatos searching for Sal's as there are in Palo Alto."

"If there was a location closer to them, they'd be regulars." Ivy pointed out

Stuart then said, "Boom! Just found a great commercial spot on Los Gatos Boulevard, just hit the market." Showing the computer screen to them

Yo-Yo pointed out, "It's .3 miles away from the nearest farmers' market. You can smell the tomatoes from your door."

"Farm to table!" Neha told them and Lyle said, "F to T, baby!"

Billy said to them, "F to T is exactly right, Gomer Lyle! We're not asking you to abandon the artistry, just to expand a little. At the end of the day, the kids have their information. It's all accurate, I get it. And I know you do too."

He continued, "Sal, I can't blame you for being a little afraid. Hell, we were scared for a long time out there, grinding it out. And Lord knows I've fallen my ass more than a time or two. But I promise you something. You lift your head up and take a breath, there are a lot of great possibilities out there."

"New customers. New franchise--just the tip of the iceberg. It's waiting at the click of the button." Nick pointed out

Billy added, "Everybody's searching for something. They're searching for you."

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